Saturday, May 5, 2012

Excel By Thinking

"People fail at success and other endeavors because,
quite simply, they choose not to change themselves, their
routines, or the world around them. In other words, nothing
changes, which creates a logjam of bad habits and negative
thinking. For some, life is judged by standards of comfort,
not by the struggle to make a better life for themselves and
for others.

Out of 100 average people with the exact same education,
only a very few will succeed or accomplish things that
stand out from the rest. When people attend their high
school reunions, they are sometimes astonished to find out
that their average schoolmates with only marginal grades
somehow managed to become very successful business
owners or very prominent citizens.

Statistics show that only a few out of every 100 people
have enough drive and perseverance to succeed. The
question is, Are you willing to do more, achieve more and
go the extra mile than those who will try less hard?
In addition to doing more than others, you need to
document on paper and post pictures around you of what
you want so you visualize your goals every day. The visual
reinforcement adds greater conscious and subconscious
determination to accomplish your goals.

Also, it helps to tell relatives and friends about your
goals. Of course, those you talk to need to be supportive
and provide helpful advice. If someone is not helpful, you
need to avoid that person’s negativity.

Remember the time you promised to do something for
someone, but you did not want to do it? Nevertheless, you
went ahead and did what you promised to do for that person.
That’s the point. Promises, sometimes, motivate you to go
the extra mile and do what you thought you could not do.
That is the mindset you need to be telling yourself: “I can
do more for myself, even though I’m reluctant to start doing
it.” You can make your impossibilities possible simply by
trying harder every day.

It does not matter if the goal seems difficult or
unreachable. Just be precise in your goal and develop a plan
for achieving your goals. Spell out your goal, such as, “I plan
each morning to walk two miles at 6:00 A.M. so that I can
lose 10 pounds in one month. Then I plan on maintaining
this weight. I plan on losing the extra weight to improve my
health and appearance.”

"Continue telling close friends and relatives, your
supporters, about your new goal. By telling people and
posting the goal for open viewing, you will be imprinting
the goal and its expected outcome into your subconscious.
In return, your subconscious will send new thoughts to your
conscious mind to help you fulfill your goal."

Dorothea Brand, author of Wake Up and Live, said,
“All that is necessary to break the spell of frustration and
inertia is this, act as if it were impossible to fail. That’s the
talisman, the formula, the right about face that runs us from
failure to success.”
C-2005 John Paul Carinci from the book: The Power Of Being Different

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