Saturday, April 28, 2012

“All Consuming Desire To Succeed”

“All Consuming Desire To Succeed”
John Ratzenberger, the know-it-all mailman named
Cliff on the hit TV series Cheers, landed the acting job on
the show only after failing to land a part at an audition.
Up that point in his career, he’d never made it big. He was
unknown and just a couple of years earlier was struggling to
scrape together enough for a meal. After failing his audition
for a part on the Cheers series, he said to himself, “I failed
already; what do I have to lose at this point?”

He asked the Cheers executives at the audition, “Do you
have a know-it-all at the bar yet?” The Cheers people said,
“What?” He replied, “You know, a know-it-all; every bar
has a know-it-all at their bar!” At that point, he proceeded
to improvise, using office furniture as props and showing
the show’s executives the kind of character he was talking
about. The Cheers executives laughed at the character and
a few days later told John that they were interested in his
character, but for only a few shows.

The rest is history. The show aired for more than ten
years and John Ratzenberger, a struggling, balding actor,
wound up on the show for the full duration. He turned out to
be a very accomplished actor who found wealth and prestige
all because he went the extra mile. He put aside his fear of
rejection and presented the executives with something they
didn’t even know they needed.

John used a form of inspirational dissatisfaction. He did
not give up on the first try. His belief in himself and what he
had to offer led to the once-in-a-lifetime role.
Do you have the nerve and the confidence not to give
up? After failing in one audition, he came up with an
impromptu performance and a new idea for the executives.
A failure is never the end. It simply means you have to
reprogram yourself to do more creative, positive thinking
in order to find the right way to do something successfully.
If you give up too soon, you are likely giving in to those
childhood voices that keep telling you, “Don’t do that” and
“No, no, no!”

Vince Lombardi once said, “Winning is not a sometime
thing. It is an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while,
you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right
all the time. There is no room for second place...”
C-2005 John Paul Carinci

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