Friday, March 15, 2013


‎*DETERMINATION* from my book:
"The Wright brothers accomplished the impossible, according to
most people in 1903, when they flew the first powered airplane to a
height of 852 feet. The rest is history. People with vision can change
the world. The Wright brothers dramatically changed our world.
... They moved us ahead by maybe one hundred years with their airplane
invention. Orville Wright said, “If we worked on the assumption that
what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope
for advance.”
He also said, “Isn’t it astonishing that all these secrets have been
preserved for so many years just so we could discover them!”

*We Have the Ability to Change Someone’s Life:
A man with a dream. It goes to show that the “impossible” can come
to pass for a person with vision. Many of the inventions we take for
granted today started with someone who said “Why not?” Who would
ever think that we could speak on a wireless cell phone, then take a
picture with the same contraption, hit a button, and send it across the
globe in seconds to someone with another cell phone or a computer,
and also be able to type out a message and send it via wireless to another
person as far away as China—and all this in a split second!
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible; then they seem improbable;
and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
—Christopher Reeve (1952-2004), Actor, director, producer
Inspired Determination

We can’t all invent a space machine, or the wireless Internet that
can be viewed on any cell phone anywhere in the world. But we can
each dream big. We can think of the impossible, and we can, if we want
something badly enough, bring it to pass. What is it that is deep within
your heart and mind? What is your dream? Not a mere pipe dream, but
something you lose sleep over. What is it that consumes your mind all
the time?

I’ll tell you my all-consuming desire. It is to finish writing this
wonderful, enlightening, and motivating book. I get so pumped up
with the various chapters and people I am writing about! I think
about it during my day job of running an insurance agency. I think
about it when I am trying to fall asleep at night. I am driven to write
for hours every night, or while waiting in a doctor’s or dentist’s office.
Even if I have only five minutes of waiting in some office, I write on
scraps of paper.

This will be the seventh book I have written. But none before has
been written with the speed with which I am writing this one. My
hand can’t write fast enough on the pad I am writing on. Am I driven,
consumed? You bet! Do I have a vision about such a book? Yes! This is
precisely what it takes to achieve a goal. We all have the ability to do
something, but do we have the “inspired determination”? Are we willing
to pay the price for success?" (FROM MY FINISHED BOOK:)

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