"A New Year - A New Attitude!" article by John Paul Carinci
"We've all had a painful splinter sometime in our lives. A splinter that throbbed, it seemed endlessly. Without us paying attention to it, it would hurt, sending pain signals to our brain. Well, very successful individuals, for thousands of years, have used the laws of nature to reverse the signal system and use it to accomplish great tasks. Most great inventors use a similar principle. Let's study it.
Truly successful people have found that if they pre-program their minds, in particular, the subconscious mind, with certain commands and goals, it gets etched into their subconscious, and that is the real key here. It is important to realize that the subconscious will accept fact or fiction. That is why some people who are hypnotized will quack like a duck. It is because the subconscious mind has accepted the command, and is just complying with what it been instructed with.
It is a proven fact, that on average, we use only 5% of our brain capacity. Imagine if we work on improving our brain output to perhaps 10%?
So, whatever is fed into the subconscious mind, on a consistent basis, that all powerful, inner-mind, will accept and in turn, send out powerful thought impulses to the conscious mind. Almost like the rays of light that emanate from the bright light of a lighthouse. It is those impulse-signals that work all the magic.
Think about the NYC Marathon runner who trains for the entire year before the big race. Think about the fact that the race is over 26 miles long. Let's look at the mindset of this individual. The runner is intensely driven for that whole year, visualizing, all along, that ultimate finish line. The runner doesn't think about failure to finish the race, or blisters, or many other obstacles that will arise during the year. The runner's mindset is: one goal; one vision; one battle; that will ultimately be won.
The runner will also announce to everyone, sometimes months in advance, that they will be running the famous marathon. This is important, because once announced, a goal has that much more importance and urgency attached to it. So once introduced correctly, the subconscious mind accepts this great goal, and works overtime to bring the intense, positive, driven goal, to pass, just like that terrible deeply imbedded splinter.
Think about the immigrant entering the United States to live. Their mindset is: "America is the land of opportunity. All I have to do is work very hard and I will make it. I can then send for my family, back home, and bring them to America to live." The immigrant doesn't think about failure, it doesn't enter into the equation. Success is expected. It is demanded by the immigrant, because he proudly announced his intentions to all those back home. And his family, back home, expects nothing less than success from him. He has that intense positive driving force, that Positive Driven Splinter.
We've all used this technique, unknowingly, for smaller desires and goals, such as an all day goal of wallpapering a room. By positively visualizing the successful out come of the finished project, maybe for even weeks in advance, we have pre-programmed our subconscious mind with the intense desire, or, "mental splinter". Only after the completion of the project, will the subconscious mind back off - sending urgent signals of the goal desired.
But, then, after the goal has been achieved, the subconscious mind begins sending out signals of joy, happiness, fulfillment, and elation, derived from the completed goal. This is very important, because these feelings of self worth will help tremendously in the belief that you can, and will, complete the next intensely desired goal.
Remember, ninety percent of all things around us are negative. Ninety six percent of all talk is negative. We must put Mental Blinders on each and everyday to block out all the negative influences that surround us. One excellent way of doing this, I have found, is through utilization of self-suggestion statements. I have been saying the same series of statements that run approximately five minutes long. Repeated a few times though out the day, in the same order, they will work magic.
The statements, once again, are received and absorbed into the subconscious mind. The subconscious accepts the statements, said with belief, as fact. And in turn will send out positive reinforcing thought impulses to the conscious mind.
Let's look at a self-suggestion statement: "I Like Myself! I Like Myself! I Like Myself!" "I will be successful, it's inevitable, because my aggressiveness will lead to my success!"
It is important to develop your own statements. They must be believable, remain in the same order and repeated multiple times throughout the day. Repetition is important so the subconscious will accept, store and work on the statements. It then will convince the body and mind of the vaidity of the statements, thus changing your life, attitude, and allowing the raising of the all important mental blinders that will shield you from the negativity that threatens the success of all individuals. So, what will be your Positive Driven Splinter?" C-2005 John Paul Carinci
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
“The Greatest Living Miracle In The World – IS YOU!”
YES, YOU - are the greatest living miracle in the world!
No one else in the world has your exact eyes, hair, fingerprints, personality, or DNA.
The odds of your being born into the specific person and personality you are have been estimated at one in 225 billion. You are the most unique person in the world.
By the age of seventy, the average human heart will have beaten two and a-half billion times. Your heart pumps over fifty-seven thousand gallons of blood every month.
The heart is an amazing organ! There are people alive today who have lived 115 years—you do the math.
Suffice it to say that we are each a phenomenal working mechanism that still
cannot be duplicated.
No matter what our financial status at this particular moment, whether we have fifty cents to our name or $50 million, each one of us is an equally great miracle in the world.
We all may say we are special, but do you believe it with all your heart?
You are, in fact, the greatest living miracle in the world. Once you realize this, you will begin to appreciate just how very special you really are.
I’ve read that the human body has approximately 70,000 miles of blood vessels. When the heart beats, it circulates the blood through the entire system of vessels once every minute.
Your eyes, if we could place value on them alone, are worth at least a billion dollars to a person who can’t see. Your hearing ability and your ability to stand up and walk are awesome blessings.
Another amazing fact is that the human brain weighs only about three pounds, yet it holds an estimated eighty trillion electrical cells.
Consider just how unique each one of us is. Even identical twins have some differences between them.
If you don’t have an identical twin, it can be said that there is no one else exactly like you. Unlike computers, which may be identical computing systems, you interpret the world through your brain and that brain develops its own personality, the mechanism that helps you understand and react to the world around you.
To become who you are, it took one of about 5 million microscopic sperm cells to reach the egg. Your personality, everything about you, and your potential were carried in
that one sperm. Millions of other sperm cells died searching for the egg, while one sperm cell combined with the egg that gave you life, resulting in your extraordinary uniqueness.
You are a true miracle. In fact, childbirth is an amazing miracle, because we all had to survive about nine months in the womb in order to be strong enough to be born into the world.
The chances of you being born were one in 5 million, based on the estimated number of sperm. Don’t ever feel sorry for yourself if you haven’t yet won the lottery; you’ve already won the lottery by being born!
The question TODAY is, are you acting like the greatest living miracle in the world? Each of us was created by God. A true miracle took place in those nine months of gestation in order for you to be born. Now think about the following question very carefully:
If God presented Himself to you right now, and He just stared at you without saying a word, just studying you for a few precious seconds, would you feel proud about your accomplishments thus far in life?
Would you feel that you have used the miracle of your life to the best of your ability, or would you feel that you have cheated God, slightly or drastically, in return for the miracle He allowed to be performed through your birth?
CONGRATULATIONS, on being The Greatest Miracle In The World!
C – 2012 John Paul Carinci – from the book: An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed
“Believe” (from my book)
I have my own strong beliefs. I believe in God. I believe that we were all created to be great. Some of us along the way have gotten off track with our thinking, but we can once again get back in the game.
I have my own strong beliefs. I believe in God. I believe that we were all created to be great. Some of us along the way have gotten off track with our thinking, but we can once again get back in the game.
I believe that we were each put on earth to make a difference of some kind. We were put here to help, to be a positive influence, and touch other lives. We are here to
give back, not to keep taking. To lift someone up and never
tear them down.
give back, not to keep taking. To lift someone up and never
tear them down.
I believe that life on earth is very short. Shorter than what the average age of 85 works out to be in our minds. In other words, eternity is what we will ultimately have after
life on earth.
life on earth.
I believe that we are given the opportunity to build a life here on earth, and one day we each will have to make a full accounting of that life, answering completely.
What if my beliefs hold true? What if we all get to spend an eternity in the hereafter with all our loved ones? What if we get to review in precise detail, with our loved ones, each
second of our lives? We have a scorecard here on earth, one most of us seem to ignore. But what if I am right, and we have to explain all of our actions, achievements, good deeds, charity, and help extended to others? What if?
second of our lives? We have a scorecard here on earth, one most of us seem to ignore. But what if I am right, and we have to explain all of our actions, achievements, good deeds, charity, and help extended to others? What if?
I believe that everything on earth happens for a reason.
Though sometimes sad things in life are very hard to understand and explain, they are here for our learning— when a child dies so young; when I come across a paralyzed
man named Ken, who has been in a wheelchair for over 20 years and can’t move most of his body, it is for a reason.
Though sometimes sad things in life are very hard to understand and explain, they are here for our learning— when a child dies so young; when I come across a paralyzed
man named Ken, who has been in a wheelchair for over 20 years and can’t move most of his body, it is for a reason.
When I hear just the other day that a 36-year old woman,eight months pregnant, is run down and killed in a parking lot by a plow removing snow, and the baby is delivered, but
may be brain damaged.
may be brain damaged.
When I lose a school friend of mine, named Gil, who dies in a car accident at age 19, and I have to deliver my first insurance death claim as a first-year life insurance agent, it
is all for a reason, I believe.
is all for a reason, I believe.
I believe that everything that happens on earth is God’s plan to help us stay on track, to remind us that life on earth is but a second in time compared to the eternity we will all
have after our life here is closed, and the diaries of our lives are each passed up to the place we will consider Heaven.
have after our life here is closed, and the diaries of our lives are each passed up to the place we will consider Heaven.
My belief is strong, but it is my own belief. It gives me peace. It drives me forward, motivating me to do more, to be more, to help more. But more than anything, I believe,
with all my heart that all my loved ones who have passed are rooting loudly for me in the hereafter. I believe I have an audience that I will once again be reunited with. But, I
mostly believe that my biggest fan from above is God, and I cannot, I dare not disappoint Him. He created greatness when you and I were born, I will not insult Him by giving Him back anything but greatness in return.
with all my heart that all my loved ones who have passed are rooting loudly for me in the hereafter. I believe I have an audience that I will once again be reunited with. But, I
mostly believe that my biggest fan from above is God, and I cannot, I dare not disappoint Him. He created greatness when you and I were born, I will not insult Him by giving Him back anything but greatness in return.
Practice To Maintain That Positive Attitude
• Each morning repeat your own positive affirmations
statements to yourself. Make sure they remain
• Each morning repeat your own positive affirmations
statements to yourself. Make sure they remain
• Do ten minutes of breathing exercises to relax and
energize yourself for the day.
energize yourself for the day.
• Before the workday begins write out the ten top
Things To Do List for the day, with the most
important task being number one on the list.
Things To Do List for the day, with the most
important task being number one on the list.
• Make sure at the end of the day to cross off each
successful task that was accomplished on that day.
These are considered Happy Celebrations, and will
reinforce the mind that you had accomplishments
for the day.
successful task that was accomplished on that day.
These are considered Happy Celebrations, and will
reinforce the mind that you had accomplishments
for the day.
• Read self help books on a routine basis. Try to
read one per month. This will help maintain your
positive attitude.
read one per month. This will help maintain your
positive attitude.
• Work on eliminating all negative thinking, and
try to raise mental blinders against the negative
influences that surround you on a daily basis.
try to raise mental blinders against the negative
influences that surround you on a daily basis.
• Develop a That’s Good Attitude. Look for the good
in all situations, though they may be bad. Rain will
help the trees, grass and flowers. Snow will clean the
air, and give us exercise by shoveling and cleaning
it up, etc.” John Paul Carinci
in all situations, though they may be bad. Rain will
help the trees, grass and flowers. Snow will clean the
air, and give us exercise by shoveling and cleaning
it up, etc.” John Paul Carinci
“My Dear Son, I am so very proud of you. Now, as
you embark on a new journey, I’d like to share this one
piece of advice. Always, always remember that adversity is
not a detour. It is part of the path.
You will encounter obstacles. You will make mistakes.
Be grateful for both. Your obstacles and mistakes will be
your greatest teachers. And the only way to not make
mistakes in this life is to do nothing, which is the biggest
mistake of all.
Your challenges, if you let them, will become
your greatest allies. Mountains can crush or raise you,
depending on which side of the mountain you choose
to stand on. All history bears out that the great, those
who have changed the world, have all suffered great
challenges. And, more times than not it’s precisely those
challenges that, in God’s time, lead to triumph.
Abhor victimhood. Denounce entitlement. Neither
are gifts, rather cages to damn the soul. Everyone who
has walked this earth is a victim of injustice. Everyone.
Most of all, do not be too quick to denounce your
sufferings. The difficult road you are called to walk may,
in fact, be your only path to success.”
—Richard Paul Evans
C-2005 John Paul Carincihttp://www.amazon.com/An-All-Consuming-Desire-Succeed-ebook/dp/B0053VLUKU/ref=ntt_at_ep_edition_2_2?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2
you embark on a new journey, I’d like to share this one
piece of advice. Always, always remember that adversity is
not a detour. It is part of the path.
You will encounter obstacles. You will make mistakes.
Be grateful for both. Your obstacles and mistakes will be
your greatest teachers. And the only way to not make
mistakes in this life is to do nothing, which is the biggest
mistake of all.
Your challenges, if you let them, will become
your greatest allies. Mountains can crush or raise you,
depending on which side of the mountain you choose
to stand on. All history bears out that the great, those
who have changed the world, have all suffered great
challenges. And, more times than not it’s precisely those
challenges that, in God’s time, lead to triumph.
Abhor victimhood. Denounce entitlement. Neither
are gifts, rather cages to damn the soul. Everyone who
has walked this earth is a victim of injustice. Everyone.
Most of all, do not be too quick to denounce your
sufferings. The difficult road you are called to walk may,
in fact, be your only path to success.”
—Richard Paul Evans
C-2005 John Paul Carincihttp://www.amazon.com/An-All-Consuming-Desire-Succeed-ebook/dp/B0053VLUKU/ref=ntt_at_ep_edition_2_2?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2
**Happiness is An Attitude** (excerpt from John's book)
"The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room .... just wait." "That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it ... It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away ... just for this time in my life."
“Make it a point to do something every day that you don’t want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.”
-- Mark Twain
Affirmations will change your life forever, but only if you desire that change. The opposite is also true, negative thoughts will result in vibes that will fan the flames of negativity. The choice is yours. It always has been your choice to be happy, to be sad, to be positive, or to be negative. It is your life, don’t ever let anyone rain on your parade or lead you down a road of doom and gloom.
Every day you can choose to practice the art of positive affirmations, and continue these affirmations throughout the day, and every day for life. Trust me, it will change you life. These positive affirmations will become a great asset to you, and become a habit after a few weeks.
As you practice this newfound positive affirmations habit, any negativity you hear will bounce off of your positive thinking mind as nonsense. You will see that negativity will slowly affect you far less than any other time before."
To Be Successful The Self-Suggestion Must Be:
1- Believable.
2- Reasonable. It must be within your ability to make it happen. An impossible task will not be
accepted by the subconscious.
3- The subconscious mind must be convinced by reaffirming positive thoughts, by “selling” yourself about why your life and the world around you are positive experiences.
Let me present an example of a self-suggestion that can help you: “I feel fantastic!” Then you say, “You know I really do feel fantastic because I'm alive. I'm healthy. I'm free. I can talk. I can see. I've got my mind, and no matter what happens - no one can take this away from me. I really do feel fantastic.”
“Not doing more than the average
is what keeps the average down.”
--William M. Winans
c-2014 JOHN PAUL CARINCI FROM THE BOOK Awesome Success Principles
**Happiness is An Attitude** (excerpt from John's book)
"The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room .... just wait." "That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it ... It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away ... just for this time in my life."
“Make it a point to do something every day that you don’t want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.”
-- Mark Twain
Affirmations will change your life forever, but only if you desire that change. The opposite is also true, negative thoughts will result in vibes that will fan the flames of negativity. The choice is yours. It always has been your choice to be happy, to be sad, to be positive, or to be negative. It is your life, don’t ever let anyone rain on your parade or lead you down a road of doom and gloom.
Every day you can choose to practice the art of positive affirmations, and continue these affirmations throughout the day, and every day for life. Trust me, it will change you life. These positive affirmations will become a great asset to you, and become a habit after a few weeks.
As you practice this newfound positive affirmations habit, any negativity you hear will bounce off of your positive thinking mind as nonsense. You will see that negativity will slowly affect you far less than any other time before."
To Be Successful The Self-Suggestion Must Be:
1- Believable.
2- Reasonable. It must be within your ability to make it happen. An impossible task will not be
accepted by the subconscious.
3- The subconscious mind must be convinced by reaffirming positive thoughts, by “selling” yourself about why your life and the world around you are positive experiences.
Let me present an example of a self-suggestion that can help you: “I feel fantastic!” Then you say, “You know I really do feel fantastic because I'm alive. I'm healthy. I'm free. I can talk. I can see. I've got my mind, and no matter what happens - no one can take this away from me. I really do feel fantastic.”
“Not doing more than the average
is what keeps the average down.”
--William M. Winans
c-2014 JOHN PAUL CARINCI FROM THE BOOK Awesome Success Principles
Monday, December 21, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
"The Greatest Living Miracle In The World – IS YOU!” Article from my book
"YES, YOU - are the greatest living miracle in the world!
No one else in the world has your exact eyes, hair, fingerprints, personality, or DNA.
The odds of your being born into the specific person and personality you are have been estimated at one in 225 billion. You are the most unique person in the world.
By the age of seventy, the average human heart will have beaten two and a-half billion times. Your heart pumps over fifty-seven thousand gallons of blood every month.
The heart is an amazing organ! There are people alive today who have lived 115 years—you do the math.
Suffice it to say that we are each a phenomenal working mechanism that still
cannot be duplicated.
No matter what our financial status at this particular moment, whether we have fifty cents to our name or $50 million, each one of us is an equally great miracle in the world.
We all may say we are special, but do you believe it with all your heart?
You are, in fact, the greatest living miracle in the world. Once you realize this, you will begin to appreciate just how very special you really are.
I’ve read that the human body has approximately 70,000 miles of blood vessels. When the heart beats, it circulates the blood through the entire system of vessels once every minute.
Your eyes, if we could place value on them alone, are worth at least a billion dollars to a person who can’t see. Your hearing ability and your ability to stand up and walk are awesome blessings.
Another amazing fact is that the human brain weighs only about three pounds, yet it holds an estimated eighty trillion electrical cells.
Consider just how unique each one of us is. Even identical twins have some differences between them.
If you don’t have an identical twin, it can be said that there is no one else exactly like you. Unlike computers, which may be identical computing systems, you interpret the world through your brain and that brain develops its own personality, the mechanism that helps you understand and react to the world around you.
To become who you are, it took one of about 5 million microscopic sperm cells to reach the egg. Your personality, everything about you, and your potential were carried in
that one sperm. Millions of other sperm cells died searching for the egg, while one sperm cell combined with the egg that gave you life, resulting in your extraordinary uniqueness.
You are a true miracle. In fact, childbirth is an amazing miracle, because we all had to survive about nine months in the womb in order to be strong enough to be born into the world.
The chances of you being born were one in 5 million, based on the estimated number of sperm. Don’t ever feel sorry for yourself if you haven’t yet won the lottery; you’ve already won the lottery by being born!
The question TODAY is, are you acting like the greatest living miracle in the world? Each of us was created by God. A true miracle took place in those nine months of gestation in order for you to be born. Now think about the following question very carefully:
If God presented Himself to you right now, and He just stared at you without saying a word, just studying you for a few precious seconds, would you feel proud about your accomplishments thus far in life?
Would you feel that you have used the miracle of your life to the best of your ability, or would you feel that you have cheated God, slightly or drastically, in return for the miracle He allowed to be performed through your birth?
CONGRATULATIONS, on being The Greatest Miracle In The World!"
C – 2012 John Paul Carinci – from the book: An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed
http://www.amazon.com/Power-Being-Different-success-ebook/dp/B002C75GY4/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297550537&sr=1-1 THE Power-Being-Different-success
Monday, November 30, 2015
"Self-Suggestion Statements" by John Paul Carinci
"Today I begin my new life. The old life of mediocrity,
compromise, and weariness has been laid to rest. Today I
am born anew, with all the enthusiasm of a child. For as a
child, I was going to conquer the world. Today I will replace
the old with the new, and the new will slowly become habit
through daily repetition.
"Today I begin my new life. The old life of mediocrity,
compromise, and weariness has been laid to rest. Today I
am born anew, with all the enthusiasm of a child. For as a
child, I was going to conquer the world. Today I will replace
the old with the new, and the new will slowly become habit
through daily repetition.
With the new Power Ideas that I have learned, I will
be successful. For now on, I know why many fail and I will
avoid that road filled with pits of failure. Never again will
I feel pity for myself, for now I realize I have all I need
to change my life for the better. I understand now that I
have so much more than many others who have debilitating
impairments, who achieve greatness many times despite
severe obstacles.
be successful. For now on, I know why many fail and I will
avoid that road filled with pits of failure. Never again will
I feel pity for myself, for now I realize I have all I need
to change my life for the better. I understand now that I
have so much more than many others who have debilitating
impairments, who achieve greatness many times despite
severe obstacles.
Never again will I follow the followers in life. For now
I know that I can lead the way. And even though I may
take wrong turns, never again will I be deterred. I now
know so much more. Even Thomas Edison had more than
10,000 mistakes before achieving his great invention of the
light bulb. Failure will never again intimidate or depress
me, rather it will be my steppingstone to victory. For now,
I understand that victory is always near the end of the
journey, not within the first few steps. I will push on. I will
rise to the occasion. Each new day will be the best day of
my life, and the world will take notice and admire this new
I know that I can lead the way. And even though I may
take wrong turns, never again will I be deterred. I now
know so much more. Even Thomas Edison had more than
10,000 mistakes before achieving his great invention of the
light bulb. Failure will never again intimidate or depress
me, rather it will be my steppingstone to victory. For now,
I understand that victory is always near the end of the
journey, not within the first few steps. I will push on. I will
rise to the occasion. Each new day will be the best day of
my life, and the world will take notice and admire this new
From this day forward, I will be sure to spread this
new positive attitude in all I do and for all others to see,
feel, and sense. I know it is far better to wear a protective
armor made out of motivation and a positive disposition,
which will repel all negativity. And in return, I will allow
the subconscious, the more powerful part of my brain to
absorb and retain only positive motivating thoughts, which
it will send back out like the beacon of a lighthouse. The
bible says: “Ask and it shall be given. Seek and you shall
find. Knock and the door shall open. For the one who asks
will always receive.”
new positive attitude in all I do and for all others to see,
feel, and sense. I know it is far better to wear a protective
armor made out of motivation and a positive disposition,
which will repel all negativity. And in return, I will allow
the subconscious, the more powerful part of my brain to
absorb and retain only positive motivating thoughts, which
it will send back out like the beacon of a lighthouse. The
bible says: “Ask and it shall be given. Seek and you shall
find. Knock and the door shall open. For the one who asks
will always receive.”
Are we not what we eat? And do we not become and
achieve what we think? Never again will I allow others to
sense negativity from me. The world is full of pessimistic
individuals, preaching doom and gloom. I choose a better
way to live. There are so many others, departed and living,
who have believed in me as someone special. Do I not owe
it to them, myself and my creator to accomplish greatness?
For my enthusiasm and charisma will spur positive actions
and responses from others. I now know that a positive
attitude is contagious. I will forever lift the attitudes of all
that I meet, knowing full well that when I help another - I
help myself.
Always, and from this day on – I will love all people
whom I meet each day, no matter how they treat or react to
me. How can I love myself without loving all others first?
For now I am aware that I am the greatest living miracle
that my newborn mind was first exposed to. I know now
that my odds at being born and winding up with my exact
personality were millions to one. So, I will love all of God’s
other miracles as I love myself. Always, will I show my love
to others, looking for the good, the gold inside of everyone.
Because I now know every human being has good inside of
him, though, sometimes, hidden. I also know that showing
my love first will bring forth love out of others. Just as an
animal studies a human’s eyes, looking for danger, friend
or foe, all whom I have eye contact with will study me for
love, hatred, despair, sadness or fear. I will project only
achieve what we think? Never again will I allow others to
sense negativity from me. The world is full of pessimistic
individuals, preaching doom and gloom. I choose a better
way to live. There are so many others, departed and living,
who have believed in me as someone special. Do I not owe
it to them, myself and my creator to accomplish greatness?
For my enthusiasm and charisma will spur positive actions
and responses from others. I now know that a positive
attitude is contagious. I will forever lift the attitudes of all
that I meet, knowing full well that when I help another - I
help myself.
Always, and from this day on – I will love all people
whom I meet each day, no matter how they treat or react to
me. How can I love myself without loving all others first?
For now I am aware that I am the greatest living miracle
that my newborn mind was first exposed to. I know now
that my odds at being born and winding up with my exact
personality were millions to one. So, I will love all of God’s
other miracles as I love myself. Always, will I show my love
to others, looking for the good, the gold inside of everyone.
Because I now know every human being has good inside of
him, though, sometimes, hidden. I also know that showing
my love first will bring forth love out of others. Just as an
animal studies a human’s eyes, looking for danger, friend
or foe, all whom I have eye contact with will study me for
love, hatred, despair, sadness or fear. I will project only
Now that I possess these Power Ideas, I will motivate
myself each day onward to success. Never again will I
allow others to keep me down. I will arise each morning
with renewed energy and confidence, eager to unwrap that
special gift of a new day. I will push on harder when others
give up. And I will move to the top like heavy cream, rich
in texture, with my convictions. I vow to always consume
positive uplifting thoughts, but if I should wander, as I may,
I will quickly get back on track. Do we not watch what our
bodies consume? Is it not paramount to feed our minds,
which controls our bodies – only the purest, most uplifting,
enthusiastic thoughts?
myself each day onward to success. Never again will I
allow others to keep me down. I will arise each morning
with renewed energy and confidence, eager to unwrap that
special gift of a new day. I will push on harder when others
give up. And I will move to the top like heavy cream, rich
in texture, with my convictions. I vow to always consume
positive uplifting thoughts, but if I should wander, as I may,
I will quickly get back on track. Do we not watch what our
bodies consume? Is it not paramount to feed our minds,
which controls our bodies – only the purest, most uplifting,
enthusiastic thoughts?
Now I realize that like the bodybuilder developing his
body, I must maintain my greatest asset - my mind. And
I now vow to feed that mind inspiration and motivation,
through books, tapes, and actions. My mind must stay
in shape like the muscles of the bodybuilder. And I also
realize that I am different from others. But I will never
act as though I am better than another. For no one is ever
better than anyone else, just different – through attitudes,
personality, inspiration, thoughts, and enthusiasm. I will be
successful; it’s inevitable, because my aggressiveness will
create opportunities for my success.
C 2015 John Paul Carinci http://www.amazon.com/Awesome-Success-Principles-Quotations-Carinci/dp/1496928822/ref=la_B004ZAAJUM_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1448935028&sr=1-3
body, I must maintain my greatest asset - my mind. And
I now vow to feed that mind inspiration and motivation,
through books, tapes, and actions. My mind must stay
in shape like the muscles of the bodybuilder. And I also
realize that I am different from others. But I will never
act as though I am better than another. For no one is ever
better than anyone else, just different – through attitudes,
personality, inspiration, thoughts, and enthusiasm. I will be
successful; it’s inevitable, because my aggressiveness will
create opportunities for my success.
C 2015 John Paul Carinci http://www.amazon.com/Awesome-Success-Principles-Quotations-Carinci/dp/1496928822/ref=la_B004ZAAJUM_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1448935028&sr=1-3
Sunday, November 29, 2015
From Failure To Success
From Failure To Success
“Not every successful person started out that way.
Many were failures before they turned their lives around.
Energizing themselves by being dissatisfied has turned
more unsuccessful people into tremendous successes.
One such person was a man named Og Mandino. Og
had hit rock bottom and came very close to taking his own
“Not every successful person started out that way.
Many were failures before they turned their lives around.
Energizing themselves by being dissatisfied has turned
more unsuccessful people into tremendous successes.
One such person was a man named Og Mandino. Og
had hit rock bottom and came very close to taking his own
As a youngster, Og’s mother would tell him, “Some day
you will be a writer…not just a writer but a great writer!”
Og’s mother died before he graduated high school and
he felt devastated for years. During World War II, he flew
thirty bombardier missions over Germany. After the war
ended, he got married, had a child, sold life insurance, and
slowly drank himself into alcoholism.
you will be a writer…not just a writer but a great writer!”
Og’s mother died before he graduated high school and
he felt devastated for years. During World War II, he flew
thirty bombardier missions over Germany. After the war
ended, he got married, had a child, sold life insurance, and
slowly drank himself into alcoholism.
It took ten years before he ruined his marriage, forcing
his wife and daughter to leave him, and for him to completely
bottom out. With his last ten dollars, he contemplated buying
the gun he saw in a pawnshop window. Something stopped
him from carrying out the suicide he envisioned. Instead,
he wound up in a library that day and tried to find an answer
for his life in self-help books, and one in particular: Success
Through A Positive Mental Attitude.
his wife and daughter to leave him, and for him to completely
bottom out. With his last ten dollars, he contemplated buying
the gun he saw in a pawnshop window. Something stopped
him from carrying out the suicide he envisioned. Instead,
he wound up in a library that day and tried to find an answer
for his life in self-help books, and one in particular: Success
Through A Positive Mental Attitude.
Og found something that changed his life in those books.
He went on to head the magazine “Success Unlimited” and
wrote the world renowned book, The Greatest Salesman
In The World. He sold over 25 million copies of his many
inspirational titles, which became his way of helping
millions of people improve their lives.
He went on to head the magazine “Success Unlimited” and
wrote the world renowned book, The Greatest Salesman
In The World. He sold over 25 million copies of his many
inspirational titles, which became his way of helping
millions of people improve their lives.
Og was clearly inspired to action. Positive Visualization?
You bet! The magic of believing is powerful when accepted
by the subconscious mind.”
“I will persist until I succeed.
I was not delivered into this world in
defeat, nor does failure course in my veins.
I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my
shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to
walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear
not those who weep and complain, for their
disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep.
The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.
I will persist until I succeed.”
--Og Mandino
C-2005 John Paul Carinci from the book The Power Of Being Different
You bet! The magic of believing is powerful when accepted
by the subconscious mind.”
“I will persist until I succeed.
I was not delivered into this world in
defeat, nor does failure course in my veins.
I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my
shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to
walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear
not those who weep and complain, for their
disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep.
The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.
I will persist until I succeed.”
--Og Mandino
C-2005 John Paul Carinci from the book The Power Of Being Different
Friday, November 20, 2015
TV Interview Of John Paul Carinci discussing the novel: DEFYING DEATH IN HAGERSTOW
TV interview of John Paul Carinci speaking about his blockbuster book DEFYING DEATH IN HAGERSTOWN Link Below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSD28IAA52U
At The Signed By Author Price Of $12.00 ea. free shipping. Make check payable to: B.O.D. PRODUCTIONS, P.O. BOX 120332, S.I. N.Y. 10312-0332
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Wednesday, November 4, 2015
**Happiness is An Attitude** (excerpt from John's book)
"The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room .... just wait." "That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it ... It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away ... just for this time in my life."
"The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room .... just wait." "That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it ... It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away ... just for this time in my life."
“Make it a point to do something every day that you don’t want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.”
-- Mark Twain
-- Mark Twain
Affirmations will change your life forever, but only if you desire that change. The opposite is also true, negative thoughts will result in vibes that will fan the flames of negativity. The choice is yours. It always has been your choice to be happy, to be sad, to be positive, or to be negative. It is your life, don’t ever let anyone rain on your parade or lead you down a road of doom and gloom.
Every day you can choose to practice the art of positive affirmations, and continue these affirmations throughout the day, and every day for life. Trust me, it will change you life. These positive affirmations will become a great asset to you, and become a habit after a few weeks.
As you practice this newfound positive affirmations habit, any negativity you hear will bounce off of your positive thinking mind as nonsense. You will see that negativity will slowly affect you far less than any other time before."
Every day you can choose to practice the art of positive affirmations, and continue these affirmations throughout the day, and every day for life. Trust me, it will change you life. These positive affirmations will become a great asset to you, and become a habit after a few weeks.
As you practice this newfound positive affirmations habit, any negativity you hear will bounce off of your positive thinking mind as nonsense. You will see that negativity will slowly affect you far less than any other time before."
To Be Successful The Self-Suggestion Must Be:
1- Believable.
2- Reasonable. It must be within your ability to make it happen. An impossible task will not be
accepted by the subconscious.
3- The subconscious mind must be convinced by reaffirming positive thoughts, by “selling” yourself about why your life and the world around you are positive experiences.
1- Believable.
2- Reasonable. It must be within your ability to make it happen. An impossible task will not be
accepted by the subconscious.
3- The subconscious mind must be convinced by reaffirming positive thoughts, by “selling” yourself about why your life and the world around you are positive experiences.
Let me present an example of a self-suggestion that can help you: “I feel fantastic!” Then you say, “You know I really do feel fantastic because I'm alive. I'm healthy. I'm free. I can talk. I can see. I've got my mind, and no matter what happens - no one can take this away from me. I really do feel fantastic.”
“Not doing more than the average
is what keeps the average down.”
--William M. Winans
is what keeps the average down.”
--William M. Winans
c-2014 JOHN PAUL CARINCI FROM THE BOOK Awesome Success Principles
“How To Remain
Positive In The Face Of Evil” (from my book)
BOSTON reminds us of
the World Trade Center act.
At 9:03 A.M., I saw
the second plane in a precise angle purposely crash and disappear into the
South Tower. I yelled for my wife, who was then taking her turn in the
bathroom, to see what had happened. We heard about two more plane crashes that
day: the Pentagon was hit at 9:43 A.M. and the downing of the passenger jet in
Somerset County, PA, took place at 10:10 A.M. I had witnessed a tragic, historical
event that changed America and the world. The security and safety Americans
had taken for granted
disappeared in the fireballs of four planes that crashed in New York City,
Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C.
I was thankful that I
had no relatives who were lost in the World Trade Center attacks. Yet, I felt
that a part of me died that day. My belief in mankind was shaken.
In the following days
and weeks, New Yorkers and Americans experienced pain that seemed endless as
the country witnessed the devastation of the attacks. Rescuers worked day after
day in a painstaking search for all the victims.
The craziness of the
world’s brutality had finally reached our streets and lives. How could it
happen? Terrorism was never supposed to be this close to our homes. Bombs and
terrorist acts had always been things that happened in far away places. I had
only heard about violence in some other country, some other place, but I was
not prepared to witness almost three thousand people dying in New York City.
How do you keep from
having this horrific attack drain your energy and affect your emotions? How can
you keep motivated to achieve positive action? How can you forge ahead? It is
hard not to dwell on the uncertainty of future terrorist acts against
Americans. How can we not be
consumed with worry
and doubt?
You must first put
your faith and trust in God, believing that good prevails over evil. You have
to have faith in the government, the president, our elected officials, and our
proven democracy. The 9/11 attack on our buildings and cities was the warning
bell alerting us to protect our
democracy from those
who hate democratic principles and ideals.
9/11 does not have to
drive us to hate. If others hate America and perceive it as being too selfish,
then this is the time for Americans to help other people in other countries in
new ways. America needs to be that special light in the world that shows others
that democracy is always a better choice, rather than terrorism, hatred, and
all forms of tyranny.
9/11 is a reminder
that we should live to do more each day because each day is a blessing not be
taken lightly. Being alive means you have been given more time to accomplish
more good things in your life. Your life multiplied by time equals greater
Remember the Parable
of the Talents and the son that hid his talents so not to risk losing them?
Meanwhile, his other brother multiplied his talents by using them. The lesson
is that you have talents that should be used. I believe many people never use their
talents to their fullest extent.
That means that there
are billions of people in the world who are living lives below their potential.
The great tragedy is that many don’t care. They get up, do some work, and go to
sleep having done the minimum.
Imagine how much
better the world would be if some of those billions of people started working
to attain new goals for themselves and were driven to achieve greatness.
The whole world would
improve as billions of people start to excel, discover new inventions, and make
the entire A better place.
By using your talents
and developing new skills, not only do you reap greatness, you can change the
world and make it a better place.
comes a time in a man’s life when to
where he has to go-if there are no doors
windows-he walks through a wall.”
I believe that the
victims of 9/11 and all of our friends and relatives who have passed on are
looking down on you I believe in God and in the hereafter. I truly believe
there is much more than this here-and-now, our flesh and bones, and our time we
are given on earth. I believe our
time on earth is a
test, and we get a score as to how well we have used our talents.
9/11 taught the whole
nation about getting through grief and moving forward with a new determination
to stand strong for freedom, democracy, and the noble goals of America.
Americans had a choice -- to give in to the many heartless and cold-blooded
killers holed
up throughout the
world, or to take freedom, democracy, and the good things about America to
other parts of the world.
You have choices in
your life, too. You can be a follower or you can lead others with your creative
imagination and example. You can be average or you can “be different” by
attaining greater goals. You can be mediocre or you can attain greatness. I
choose to be different in order to achieve greatness.
happiness in life is the result of
own effort and is neither the gift
God nor a spontaneous natural product.”
You are like the tree
that is destined to grow tall, the bird that soars high, and the water that
flows with new life to quench the thirst of others.
Your very birth was a
fabulous miracle. You have the talents to do the extraordinary. By using your
creative imagination, your life will become an outpouring of miracles that will
help others.
Your opportunities
abound. May you soar to greatness every day.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
find that today too many people are afraid to take risks in order to get ahead.
Some people are terrified of the possibility that they may fail miserably. Why
is this?
is a unique person, with a distinct personality. I believe that there are those
who are more of a perfectionist than others. And just possibly it is the
perfectionist personality that stops people from risking everything and
each were born as risk takers to some degree. I feel that our upbringing has
limited the risktaking
many of us. We were taught to be more careful about a great deal of things,
protected by our parents from many of the dangers they felt were out in the
real world.
parents can be overprotective to children instead of letting them make some
mistakes for themselves and learn from those mistakes.
of the highly successful risk takers of all time had to risk everything in
order to pursue their dreams to get ahead. Walt Disney, in the first several
years, risked everything to make his movies. Disney was rejected for some of
his movies and risked his own money on them. If they failed he would have been
broke. Henry Ford was turned away by many investors in the late 1800’s because
he wanted to create affordable “Horseless Carriages.” His first two companies
went broke; but he didn’t quit, while many others would have run away. Ford
pursued and succeeded greatly in his affordable Model T Ford vehicles.
A Go-For-Broke Attitude
Dissatisfaction is a term that relates to an inspirational driving force that
spurs the individual on to complete a given task that might have been
previously unattainable. The person might have failed miserably at something,
but derives a newfound strength from that
unlike others who may give in to a failure.
me give you an example of Inspirational Dissatisfaction. In football the
offensive line of players is to protect the quarterback and give the
quarterback extra time to locate a pass receiver, down field, that he can pass
to. If the Lineman, Guard, does not protect the line against the defensive
player, then the quarterback can be sacked, or not have enough time to complete
a play.
Inspirational Dissatisfaction can come into play if the Guard allows his
opponent to get though the offensive line and sack the quarterback. He can
become so dissatisfied for failing to protect that quarterback, that for the
rest of the game he could do an impeccable job at keeping his defensive
opponent at bay, even if the opponent is better or larger than he is.
perfect example of people unaffected by failure are sales people. And
specifically, sales people who make a living out of selling life insurance.
When selling life insurance, the agent is selling a promise, a piece of paper.
It is a tough sale for the newly licensed sales agent.
remember my first year selling insurance, it was very difficult. Like
everything else you have to get knocked around first to learn the ins and outs
of the industry.
have vivid memories of mailing out letters to parents of newborns, looking to
sell insurance to protect their babies in case of premature death of the
parent. I would give away a silver baby spoon that I would purchase as a way of
securing an appointment.
remember going on one prospecting call that had returned the card looking for
more information and the free silver spoon. Once I had arrived and rung the
bell, the prospect, the new Mom, screamed from the second floor window to just
leave the spoon in the mailbox and leave.
was then that I knew I would have a hard time in sales.
I persevered and succeeded in life insurance sales, because I truly fell in
love with helping people, and believed so strongly in my product and the
tremendous need for it.
never worried about making a living, because the money always took care of
itself, as long as I took care of my prospects’ needs.
see, my driving force was protecting families against financial hardship due to
death. I believed so strongly that I was their hero with the answers to their
problems, the ones
didn’t know they had. The rest was easy.
“How many people are completely successful in every
department of life? Not one. The most successful people
are the ones who learn from their mistakes and turn their
failures into opportunities.”
C-2014 John Paul Carinci , from the book Awesome Success Principleshttp://www.amazon.com/Awesome-Success-Principles-Quotations-Carinci/dp/1496928822/ref=la_B004ZAAJUM_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1444956487&sr=1-3
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