“The Greatest Living Miracle In The World – IS YOU!”
YES, YOU - are the greatest living miracle in the world!
No one else in the world has your exact eyes, hair, fingerprints, personality, or DNA.
The odds of your being born into the specific person and personality you are have been estimated at one in 225 billion. You are the most unique person in the world.
By the age of seventy, the average human heart will have beaten two and a-half billion times. Your heart pumps over fifty-seven thousand gallons of blood every month.
The heart is an amazing organ! There are people alive today who have lived 115 years—you do the math.
Suffice it to say that we are each a phenomenal working mechanism that still
cannot be duplicated.
No matter what our financial status at this particular moment, whether we have fifty cents to our name or $50 million, each one of us is an equally great miracle in the world.
We all may say we are special, but do you believe it with all your heart?
You are, in fact, the greatest living miracle in the world. Once you realize this, you will begin to appreciate just how very special you really are.
I’ve read that the human body has approximately 70,000 miles of blood vessels. When the heart beats, it circulates the blood through the entire system of vessels once every minute.
Your eyes, if we could place value on them alone, are worth at least a billion dollars to a person who can’t see. Your hearing ability and your ability to stand up and walk are awesome blessings.
Another amazing fact is that the human brain weighs only about three pounds, yet it holds an estimated eighty trillion electrical cells.
Consider just how unique each one of us is. Even identical twins have some differences between them.
If you don’t have an identical twin, it can be said that there is no one else exactly like you. Unlike computers, which may be identical computing systems, you interpret the world through your brain and that brain develops its own personality, the mechanism that helps you understand and react to the world around you.
To become who you are, it took one of about 5 million microscopic sperm cells to reach the egg. Your personality, everything about you, and your potential were carried in
that one sperm. Millions of other sperm cells died searching for the egg, while one sperm cell combined with the egg that gave you life, resulting in your extraordinary uniqueness.
You are a true miracle. In fact, childbirth is an amazing miracle, because we all had to survive about nine months in the womb in order to be strong enough to be born into the world.
The chances of you being born were one in 5 million, based on the estimated number of sperm. Don’t ever feel sorry for yourself if you haven’t yet won the lottery; you’ve already won the lottery by being born!
The question TODAY is, are you acting like the greatest living miracle in the world? Each of us was created by God. A true miracle took place in those nine months of gestation in order for you to be born. Now think about the following question very carefully:
If God presented Himself to you right now, and He just stared at you without saying a word, just studying you for a few precious seconds, would you feel proud about your accomplishments thus far in life?
Would you feel that you have used the miracle of your life to the best of your ability, or would you feel that you have cheated God, slightly or drastically, in return for the miracle He allowed to be performed through your birth?
CONGRATULATIONS, on being The Greatest Miracle In The World!
C – 2012 John Paul Carinci – from the book: An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed
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