Sunday, May 13, 2012


Knowledge is A Steppingstone to Success

“Someone once said, “Knowledge is Power.” I would
like to add: “Knowledge in a given field leads to confidence
which leads to success and power.”

You do not have to be the most intelligent person. If you
do one thing extremely well instead of many things only
fairly well, then you have a great chance to go straight to
the top in your field.

Earl Nightingale said, “Read all you can - put your
hands on about your chosen field, learn all you can about
this field.” There is always so much more to be learned
about a chosen field or about your chosen goal.

I know nothing about the masonry field or working
with bricks and concrete. However, I am positive that I
could become an expert in five to seven years, but it would
take hard work and a lot of focus to learn all I could. By
focusing on one field, you could become an expert in almost
anything. There’s a certain comfort in this thought: you
could become an expert in a new field, with proper training,
work experience, and hard work to learn all that you need
to learn. With your positive energy, focus, and an undying
commitment to get to the top of a chosen field, you will be

My dentist, who is an excellent dentist, would probably
not be a good plumber if he started that trade tomorrow. He
could ultimately excel as a plumber, with the right training,
acquired knowledge and positive attitude. Thus, knowledge
is very important to building your confidence level. This is
why continual learning is essential in order to grow in your

Whom do you know in your line of work who studies
ten hours a week in order to expand his knowledge and
learn more in his chosen field? I don’t think you will find
too many. But the person who is motivated to study and to
learn will excel beyond the average person.

The vast majority of people are JUST AVERAGE.
You can choose to be different in order to have more of the
knowledge needed to excel.”

“The average person puts only
25% of his energy and ability into
his work. The world takes off its
hat to those who put in more than 50%
of their capacity, and stands on its
head for those few and far between
souls who devote 100%”.
--Andrew Carnegie

C- 2005 John Paul Carinci –from the book The Power Of Being Different

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