*LOSING THAT SOMEONE SPECIAL* There are no words that will help you. Words are not supposed to make it better. But faith will help. People with deep faith understand that there is much more than what we can see with our eyes or feel in our heart. Faith is something we all have, though many don't believe they do. Faith in that the sun will warm the earth and rise each morning, Faith that the skies will rain and give life to all who live on earth. Faith that the earth will turn, and not stop. AND faith that something special created us, controls our destiny, the world around us, and gives us everything each day to go on living. Faith is believing that the air we breathe will continue to sustain us. AND FAITH that God will give us the strength slowly to accept that there is more than what is here on earth and one day we will surely be reunited with all our love ones. Faith is knowing, deep in our heart that our loved ones are, in fact, watching over us, rooting us on, and feeling our pain. BUT YOU SEE, they have been given the answers to life. THEY, know there is more, and are experiencing what we will earn one day. THEY are the fortunate ones that have GRADUATED first, saving a place for us, and telling us to have FAITH, and that they are well. THEY too know that life on earth is but mere seconds to the eternity THEY have been chosen to GRADUATE too, ahead of the rest of us. CHEER them on, because they are all cheering us on, those we all miss so much. SO, we are not to be given the answers to THIS TEST, only they the ones chosen to graduate first get those answers. SO Celebrate their life. Celebrate their GRADUATION to the above. Try to regain that ever so important FAITH that GOD DOES control it all, and we all get to GRADUATE at the special time when it has been earned. But we are here for a great purpose, which we may not yet fully understand. So live those special MERE seconds carefully".JOHN PAUL CARINCI author
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