Wednesday, March 14, 2012

‎"The Amazing Miracle of Life" (taken from my book)

I have always been amazed at the amazing miracle of life. If anyone
believes that any form of life is anything but a true miracle, he should do
some serious research into the subject. I appreciate the life with which I
... have been blessed; I have for many years. But, honestly, when I was very
young, the miracle of life all around me meant very little. I didn’t give it
a second thought. Now, as I look all around in my middle age, I look at
life, the world, and the stars entirely differently. It all amazes me.
Life exists in many forms, from plants and blades of grass to insects
and microscopic organisms. Some say the smallest organism that exists
is a form of virus. I, on the other hand, understand what I can see. There
are insects so small they are called fairy flies at one-fifth of a millimeter
in size. They have a respiratory system, wings, and microscopic hairs on
their bodies.
My point is this: Life is so precious; do we maximize our own
existence, or do some of us merely pass our lives away, thinking that
time is on our side and we can always catch up to our goals and dreams
that have been put off indefinitely?
Earl Nightingale, the motivational speaker and author, once said:
“Most people tiptoe through life, hoping to make it safely to death.”

Stop Taking Up Space—Start Making a Difference
What is our purpose here on earth? Do we have a purpose, and do
all living organisms serve some purpose? Let’s explore it more closely.
Last night I found a snail. No big deal. But I found the snail attached
to the inside of an electric timer inside a large plastic storage bin. Now,
what was amazing to me was that the storage bin had been closed for
one year, only accessed last Christmastime, some twelve months ago.
Yet, when I opened it up, there was a live snail. The miracle of life! I
wondered how that snail, deep inside the large storage bin, could have
survived. What did it eat and drink? And surviving in total darkness!
Now, I am sure that there is some explanation, but I simply marvel at
the perseverance and survival instinct of all living things.
What is the purpose of it all? From the moment of birth, each form
of life has a purpose, a pre-programmed cycle we must follow, much like
the cycles of seasons that change. Most living things have inbred cycles
of routines and schedules. Take, for instance, the cicada. The cicada is
an insect that lives approximately one to eight feet underground and
emerges only once every seventeen years. When they do emerge, many
thousands of them emerge at the same time, resulting in a great deal of
noise. Purpose, cycle, routine!" C- J. Carinci More
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