Thursday, August 28, 2014

John Paul Carinci pens another book

August 26, 2014 (STATEN ISLAND ADVANCE - news story about John Paul Carinci) John Paul Carinci pens another book STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — John Paul Carinci has penned his eighth book: "Defying Death in Hagerstown." Based on a 1923 diary, it is set to be published early next year by Morgan James Publishing. The idea for the book of fiction happened quite by accident, when John won a diary from eBay, about a young woman from Hagerstown, Md. The 90-year-old diary of 365 pages, was fully handwritten by a woman known only as Lolita. "I knew there was a story there somewhere, but more importantly I was drawn into the time, the young woman, the love interest she had throughout the year," said the insurance executive from Eltingville. "I was consumed with finding out who and whatever happened to this Lolita from Hagerstown. It took years to find out who she was, that she married the love interest, and when she passed on. So, I wrote a novel, based on a character from Hagerstown, named Lolita," he added. The story revolves around a young newspaper reporter, who is rapidly self- destructing after a bad breakup with his fiancĂ©e. He has a drinking problem, is a real mess at work, and is about to be fired. His last chance assignment is to go to Hagerstown and interview a centenarian wonder woman of 110 years old, named Lolita, who resides in a nursing home. The reporter later uncovers the diary from 1923, and that Lolita, in 1923, lived through a mass murder spree of three of her young girlfriends remains unsolved. The reporter sees a real story in the murders, and is consumed with investigating and solving this 90-plus-year-old mystery. But someone in town is rattled by his nosing around — bullets fly, and someone is killed. The book will be available soon on Amazon. John has also published his non-fiction book, a self-help book entitled: "Awesome Success Principles and Quotations," released through AuthorHouse publishing. C-2014 Staten Island Advance newspaper

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


People Who Change the Way We All Think Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson was born on July 18, 1950, in Surrey. Branson was the founder of the Virgin Group, which is made up of more than 400 companies. It was in the 1970’s that Branson opened up Virgin Atlantic Air, and expanded to Virgin Records. Branson was listed as the sixth richest citizen of the United Kingdom, with an estimated net worth of $4.6 billion by Forbes in 2002. What I found intriguing about Branson was on December 7, 2009, he unveiled SpaceShipTwo at Mojave Spaceport, California. His company, SpaceShipTwo is in the planning stages, and is going to one day soon, fly his paying customers into space for the first time. Branson’s company, Virgin Galactic, has been working on this unique vision for many years. Only a man with real vision and dreams can carry out such an elaborate project of carrying every-day citizens into space for the first time. What kind of man could dream so big? Who is Richard Branson? Branson is a billionaire who raised the funding himself. He has already booked over three hundred passengers at $200,000 each to fly in his space machines. He has collected over $42 million in ticket sales thus far. Branson, at the age of sixteen, was publishing a student magazine. In 1972, he began a recording label called Virgin Records. He sold the successful record company in 1992 for $1 billion. Then he started another record company in 1996 and has owned an airline, a credit card company, stores, a book publishing company, and more. Branson loves doing the unheard of and has gone on to become very successful and respected in many industries. “For a successful entrepreneur it can mean extreme wealth. But with extreme wealth comes extreme responsibility. And the responsibility for me is to invest in creating new businesses, to create jobs, employ people, and to put money aside to tackle issues where we can make a difference.” --Richard Branson Human Settlement on Mars Innovators have come along since man first graced the earth. There is always someone who comes up with an impossible idea that is thought to be foolish. For many centuries people refused to eat tomatoes for fear of being poisoned. That was until someone was brave enough to eat one and find out that it was in fact not poisonous. The first men who tried to fly a metal machine were thought to be insane. After all a heavy piece of metal can’t possible fly and stay airborne, can it? Penicillin is one of the earliest discovered and widely used antibiotic agents. In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming observed that colonies of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus could be destroyed by the mold Penicillium notatum. Imagine that? Mold used to kill bacteria, and put inside the human body? Fleming’s principle later led to medicines that could kill certain types of disease-causing bacteria inside the body. Buy a Ticket To Mars? Mars One, a non-profit organization, is taking reservations now for their permanent human settlement on Mars. Starting in 2024, there will be crews of four that will depart every two years. It will be a one way trip, so they will build their on colony on Mars. How amazing is that? According to Mars One, on their website, “While complex, the Mars One Mission is feasible. The science and technology required to place humans on Mars exists today. Much of what was learned from Skylab, Mir and the International Space Station has resulted in vital data, experiences with systems and related know-how, all of which are applicable to living on Mars. The Mars One crews are people who want to settle on Mars. Absence of a return mission reduces the mission infrastructure radically...” “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” --Robert Kennedy “At age 22 he failed in business. At age 23 he ran for State Legislature and was defeated. At age 24 he failed once more in business. At age 25 he was elected to the State Legislature. At age 26 his sweetheart died at an early age. At age 27 he had a nervous breakdown. At age 29 he was defeated for Speaker. At age 31 he was defeated for Elector. At age 34 he was defeated for Congress. At age 37 he was elected to Congress. At age 39 he was defeated for Congress. At age 46 he was defeated for Senate. At age 47 he was defeated for Vice President. At age 49 he was defeated for Senate. At age 51 he was elected the 16th President of the United States. He was Abraham Lincoln.” --Author Unknown The Most Inspiring Achievers Who Changed Our World Mother Teresa lived from 1910-1997. As a Roman Catholic nun she devoted most of her life to serving the poor all around the world. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation, while in India, where she worked for many years helping the poor. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2003 she was beatified in 2003, the first step on the path to sainthood, within the Catholic church. When awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a threat to peace,” She instructed that the money the award carried, of $192,000, be given to the poor. She has said: “The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty -- it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There’s a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.” --Mother Teresa “God gave every single human being a certain amount of talent, and unless you utilize that talent to the utmost of your ability 24 hours of every day of your life, you deceive your God, your family, and above all yourself. This is what life is all about, this is my religion.” --George Allen In a 1985 monthly publication of Insight, there is an article about Andrew Carnegie, the great steel maker, who was asked by a reporter, “How is it possible to have 43 millionaires working for you at the same time?” Mr. Carnegie answered, “They weren’t millionaires when they started working for me.” The reporter asked, “Well, what happened?” Mr. Carnegie replied, “We believe in rewarding excellence in performance, and these men have developed themselves to the degree that they have become millionaires.” The reporter asked, “How do you develop so many people?” Andrew Carnegie replied this way: “I develop men exactly the same way you mine gold. In order to get an ounce of gold, you move tons and tons of dirt. But you don’t go looking for the dirt; you go looking for the gold.” “I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.” —Jack London “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” --Henry David Thoreau Dedication I recently joined a fitness club for the first time. Of course I was new to the entire regimented workout scene, and felt somewhat out of place as a new member, trying to find a good healthy routine for myself. But after a few weeks I got the hang of the various machines and times I needed on each machine that wouldn’t hurt my sensitive back and knees. As I studied the real veterans of the fitness center, the regulars who show up many times per week and for years, I saw the dedication of these participants. I saw people working out so hard and long that I marveled at their drive to stay in tip top shape. There were the massive bodybuilders that had muscles I could never imagine on myself. And there were also the really overweight individuals trying their best to lose weight and stay healthy. I give these individuals a lot of credit for their commitment to success. Their effort in their workouts put my workouts to shame, as I was trying to control and not hurt my troubled parts. Still, they impressed the heck out of me. There also was a blind man in his sixties, a new member that would be helped to the stationary bike by a fitness employee. I observed this man for a couple of weeks. He clearly needed help traveling to the center, and then assistance to work out on the various machines. He was fine once the employees set him up on the machine. He too outperformed me on the stationary bike. The blind individual could have very easily stood home, and no one would ever blame him. Yet he chooses to go out of his way, as a member, and workout at the fitness club. You can tell that the employees love the guy, as they carefully help him and admire him every time. Dedication, inspiration, or intense drive, whatever it is it is a motivating force to everyone that witnesses this individual. It makes me work harder and longer than before. “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” --Calvin Coolidge “You can achieve greatness. You must be willing to pay the price to attain such success. What do you want? What is the burning desire deep inside you? When you get very serious about achieving a goal, write it down, and plan how to attain it. The burning desire starts to become more real, and an all-important drive to accomplish that goal takes over. Be careful not to turn all your wants and small goals into burning desires. Keep your burning desires open to only those special dreams and goals. Focus on the major burning desires and success will be yours each and every time.” --John Paul Carinci C-2014 JOHN PAUL CARINCI

Sunday, August 17, 2014

NOW ON KINDLE! "Awesome Success Principles & Quotations" By John Pau Carinci

******NOW ON KINDLE!!****** JUST PUBLISHED: "Awesome Success Principles & Quotations" EXCERPT: *************** Uniqueness to me means standing out from the crowd and being different. To be different means much more than merely looking or acting different at times. It means standing up and being your own person, not just in style but in business, in life, in everyday actions. We live in a society where most people want to follow the follower. One person comes up with a new idea, and everyone suddenly has to fall in line and follow the new and latest trend. Tattoos are a great example. People had been getting tattoos for many decades. Usually the tattoos were popular with servicemen who went to war. They would get a tattoo to show their love for their family or love interest. The tattoos for the most part were simple and not too elaborate. But now, suddenly, like the latest trend, everyone desires tattoos, but not just a simple tattoo. Many individuals have tattoos covering entire arms, legs, faces, backs, etc. Why? Well they want to be part of the latest trend and fit in. Once again, follow the follower. Never once thinking that the large area tattoos are very difficult to remove if they ever change their mind about being someone else’s billboard. “Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember, that’s where you will find success.” —Thomas J. Watson We were each born into this world destined for greatness. Maybe our upbringing taught us to take few risks along the way, and go the route that has already been forged for us. In my studies of inventors I see that inventors are very unique. They are risk takers; they are unfazed by failure. The inventor realizes that failures must be plentiful before any real breakthrough in their new invention or idea is achieved. The real key to success for an inventor is not being thrown by all the numerous failures they are presented with, but rather keeping their eyes fixed firmly on the finish line. And the finish line is always the final successful working invention or idea. An author is much the same as an inventor, because to write a full manuscript it takes the average writer a few years. And all along those many months there are many doubts and problems that will present themselves to the writer. But the burning desire to finish an acceptable manuscript, the finish line, is what drives the writer onward. The obstacles that present themselves to the writer are dealt with. They don’t throw the writer, because the prize is the motivator, and the prize is always at the finish line, just like the inventor. I recently observed at the local mall a large flock of geese. They always seem to rest on the grass of the mall parking area. On this particular occasion I wanted to get close up and study them. They are huge. I learned that they can grow as big as 40 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds. As I studied them there must have been a hundred hanging out on the grass. I moved in real close and they were unfazed. I realized that people were much like the geese; they follow one another behind some kind of leader. The geese at this mall usually graze in one section at a time. And when the leader takes off, they all follow to some other area. Never ever did I see one goose or even two by themselves. Rather they were always all grouped together. Do you dare to stand up, stand out, and be different, even for an extended period of time? Be like that inventor who must travel down a lonely risk-filled road in order to achieve greatness. Greatness comes to those who dare to be different, those who are not afraid to be made fun of in order to follow their own dreams. What is your dream? Is it writing a book? Higher Education? Landing a new job? Do you want to relocate to a different state or country? It will take a real commitment to achieve a new goal. But, like writing a book from scratch, you must keep your eyes focused on the finish line and not on all the obstacles that will surely arise along the long and bumpy road to success. “The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50% of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far-between souls who devote 100%.” --Andrew Carnegie People Who Change the Way We All Think Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson was born on July 18, 1950, in Surrey. Branson was the founder of the Virgin Group, which is made up of more than 400 companies. It was in the 1970’s that Branson opened up Virgin Atlantic Air, and expanded to Virgin Records. Branson was listed as the sixth richest citizen of the United Kingdom, with an estimated net worth of $4.6 billion by Forbes in 2002. What I found intriguing about Branson was on December 7, 2009, he unveiled SpaceShipTwo at Mojave Spaceport, California. His company, SpaceShipTwo is in the planning stages, and is going to one day soon, fly his paying customers into space for the first time. Branson’s company, Virgin Galactic, has been working on this unique vision for many years. Only a man with real vision and dreams can carry out such an elaborate project of carrying every-day citizens into space for the first time. What kind of man could dream so big? Who is Richard Branson? Branson is a billionaire who raised the funding himself. He has already booked over three hundred passengers at $200,000 each to fly in his space machines. He has collected over $42 million in ticket sales thus far. Branson, at the age of sixteen, was publishing a student magazine. In 1972, he began a recording label called Virgin Records. He sold the successful record company in 1992 for $1 billion. Then he started another record company in 1996 and has owned an airline, a credit card company, stores, a book publishing company, and more. Branson loves doing the unheard of and has gone on to become very successful and respected in many industries. “For a successful entrepreneur it can mean extreme wealth. But with extreme wealth comes extreme responsibility. And the responsibility for me is to invest in creating new businesses, to create jobs, employ people, and to put money aside to tackle issues where we can make a difference.” --Richard Branson Human Settlement on Mars Innovators C-John Paul Carinci "AWESOME SUCCESS PRINCIPLES & QUOTATIONS

Monday, August 11, 2014

(from my NEW published self help book) "AWESOME SUCCESS PRINCIPLES" JOHN PAUL CARINCI " It seems like everyone’s life today is so busy. It’s like we’re all riding on an out of control train that is speeding down a track, so fast we can’t get off. N...o one seems to have any spare time for anything, its rush here and rush there. People drive so fast these days, not because they are late, but rather they have too much going on in their lives. People wonder, “What’s It All About Alfie?” What am I doing here? What is my purpose? And what happens after life on earth? I study people closely. Many people today seem uncertain, frustrated and scared about the times we are in. They are looking for answers. Religion of any kind can help. I Believe I have my own strong beliefs. I believe in God. I believe that we were all created to be great. Some of us along the way have gotten off track with our thinking, but we can once again get back in the game. I believe that we were each put on earth to make a difference of some kind. We were put here to help, to be a positive influence, and touch other lives. We are here to give back, not to keep taking. To lift someone up and never tear them down. I believe that life on earth is very short. Shorter than what the average age of 85 works out to be in our minds. In other words, eternity is what we will ultimately have after life on earth. I believe that we are given the opportunity to build a life here on earth, and one day we each will have to make a full accounting of that life, answering completely. What if, my beliefs hold true? What if we all get to spend an eternity in the hereafter with all our loved ones? What if we get to review in precise detail, with our loved ones, each second of our lives? We have a scorecard here on earth, one most of us seem to ignore. But what if I am right, and we have to explain all of our actions, achievements, good deeds, charity, and help extended to others? What if? I believe that everything on earth happens for a reason. Though sometimes sad things in life are very hard to understand and explain, they are here for our learning. When a child dies so young. When I come across a paralyzed man named Ken, who has been in a wheelchair for over 20 years, and can’t move most of his body, it is for a reason. When I hear just the other day that a 36 year old woman, eight months pregnant, is run down and killed in a parking lot by a plow removing snow, and the baby is delivered, but may be brain damaged. When I lose a school friend of mine Gil, who dies in a car accident, at age 19, and I have to deliver my first insurance death claim as a first year life insurance agent. It is all for a reason. I believe. I believe that everything that happens on earth is God’s plan to help us stay on track. To remind us that life on earth is but a second in time compared to the eternity we will all have after our life here is closed, and the diaries of our lives are each passed up to the place we will consider Heaven. My belief is strong, but it is my own belief. It gives me peace. It drives me forward, motivating me to do more, to be more, to help more. But more than anything, I believe, with all my heart, that all my loved ones that have passed are rooting loudly for me in the hereafter. I believe I have an audience that I will once again be reunited with. But, I mostly believe that my biggest fan, from above, is God, and I cannot, I dare not disappoint Him. He created greatness when you and I were born, I will not insult him by giving Him back anything but greatness in return. C-2014 John P. Carinci " Awesome Success Principles and Quotations " By John Paul Carinci In this age of hustle and bustle and stress filled days, the never ending question is: How can I ever get ahead and rise to the top? Welcome to the latest motivator that will help you to stand out from the crowd, change your life, your attitude, and maintain a newfound uniqueness that will last a lifetime. Awesome Success Principles and Quotations will encourage you through real life examples from many of the truly successful that have excelled in their chosen fields. Together we will analyze the principles that help the top achievers who have ignored the negatives to rise to the top. Along with the finest quotations of all time you will feel like you have a friend that will encourage you on to your own greatness. Start today to change your life with some of the following lessons in success: • The Magic Of Believing • Faith • Understanding The Mind • Affirmations For Success • Enthusiasm • Hope • Vision And Determination • The Will To Succeed And Change

Friday, August 8, 2014

NOW AVAILABLE: "Awesome Success Principles & Quotations" EXCERPT: ********************* Uniqueness to me means standing out from the crowd and being different. To be different means much more than merely looking or acting different at certain times. It means standing up and being your own person, not just in style but in business, in life, in everyday actions. We live in a society where most people want to follow the follower. One person comes up with a new idea, and everyone suddenly has to fall in line and follow the new and latest trend. Tattoos are a great example. People had been getting tattoos for many decades. Usually the tattoos were popular with servicemen who went to war. They would get a tattoo to show their love for their family or love interest. The tattoos for the most part were simple and not too elaborate. But now, suddenly, like the latest trend, everyone desires tattoos, but not just a simple tattoo. Many individuals have tattoos covering entire arms, legs, faces, backs, etc. Why? Well they want to be part of the latest trend and fit in. Once again, follow the follower. Never once thinking that the large area tattoos are very difficult to remove if they ever change their mind about being someone else’s billboard. “Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember, that’s where you will find success.” —Thomas J. Watson We were each born into this world destined for greatness. Maybe our upbringing taught us to take few risks along the way, and go the route that has already been forged for us. In my studies of inventors I see that inventors are very unique. They are risk takers; they are unfazed by failure. The inventor realizes that failures must be plentiful before any real breakthrough in their new invention or idea is achieved. The real key to success for an inventor is not being thrown by all the numerous failures they are presented with, but rather keeping their eyes fixed firmly on the finish line. And the finish line is always the final successful working invention or idea. An author is much the same as an inventor, because to write a full manuscript it takes the average writer a few years. And all along those many months there are many doubts and problems that will present themselves to the writer. But the burning desire to finish an acceptable manuscript, the finish line, is what drives the writer onward. The obstacles that present themselves to the writer are dealt with. They don’t throw the writer, because the prize is the motivator, and the prize is always at the finish line, just like the inventor. I recently observed at the local mall a large flock of geese. They always seem to rest on the grass of the mall parking area. On this particular occasion I wanted to get close up and study them. They are huge. I learned that they can grow as big as 40 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds. As I studied them there must have been a hundred hanging out on the grass. I moved in real close and they were unfazed. I realized that people were much like the geese; they follow one another behind some kind of leader. The geese at this mall usually graze in one section at a time. And when the leader takes off, they all follow to some other area. Never ever did I see one goose or even two by themselves. Rather they were always all grouped together. Do you dare to stand up, stand out, and be different, even for an extended period of time? Be like that inventor who must travel down a lonely risk-filled road in order to achieve greatness. Greatness comes to those who dare to be different, those who are not afraid to be made fun of in order to follow their own dreams. What is your dream? Is it writing a book? Higher Education? Landing a new job? Do you want to relocate to a different state or country? It will take a real commitment to achieve a new goal. But, like writing a book from scratch, you must keep your eyes focused on the finish line and not on all the obstacles that will surely arise along the long and bumpy road to success. “The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50% of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far-between souls who devote 100%.” --Andrew Carnegie People Who Change the Way We All Think Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson was born on July 18, 1950, in Surrey. Branson was the founder of the Virgin Group, which is made up of more than 400 companies. It was in the 1970’s that Branson opened up Virgin Atlantic Air, and expanded to Virgin Records. Branson was listed as the sixth richest citizen of the United Kingdom, with an estimated net worth of $4.6 billion by Forbes in 2002. What I found intriguing about Branson was on December 7, 2009, he unveiled SpaceShipTwo at Mojave Spaceport, California. His company, SpaceShipTwo is in the planning stages, and is going to one day soon, fly his paying customers into space for the first time. Branson’s company, Virgin Galactic, has been working on this unique vision for many years. Only a man with real vision and dreams can carry out such an elaborate project of carrying every-day citizens into space for the first time. What kind of man could dream so big? Who is Richard Branson? Branson is a billionaire who raised the funding himself. He has already booked over three hundred passengers at $200,000 each to fly in his space machines. He has collected over $42 million in ticket sales thus far. Branson, at the age of sixteen, was publishing a student magazine. In 1972, he began a recording label called Virgin Records. He sold the successful record company in 1992 for $1 billion. Then he started another record company in 1996 and has owned an airline, a credit card company, stores, a book publishing company, and more. Branson loves doing the unheard of and has gone on to become very successful and respected in many industries. “For a successful entrepreneur it can mean extreme wealth. But with extreme wealth comes extreme responsibility. And the responsibility for me is to invest in creating new businesses, to create jobs, employ people, and to put money aside to tackle issues where we can make a difference.” --Richard Branson Human Settlement on Mars Innovators C-John Paul Carinci "AWESOME SUCCESS PRINCIPLES & QUOTATIONS

Thursday, August 7, 2014


A Positive Attitude
“The last great freedom we have is the freedom to choose our attitude under any given set of circumstances.”
—Viktor Frankl

Researchers over the years believe that people who routinely maintain a positive mental attitude may enjoy many benefits such as:
• Increased life span
• Lower rates of depression
• Lower levels of distress
• Greater resistance to the common cold
• Better psychological and physical well-being
• Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
• Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

I have studied people for many years, and have come to the conclusion that some people have a positive attitude, while some others maintain an attitude of doom and gloom. I believe that we are all born to be great successes. We are each born daring and fearless. But somewhere in our upbringing some people change.
We each possess the ambition, aggressiveness, and mental attitudes to succeed. And even if we have turned off some of the elements needed, we can switch those elements back on, but it will take much practice and work to get in the groove. Some people would rather go with flow, and follow the follower than go the extra mile to achieve greatness.
There are those whom I enjoy being around, because of their positive outlook on life and many of its problems, and those whom I merely tolerate. Those who practice an attitude of doom and gloom about life are unfortunately stuck in a rut. The habit they have developed is hard to break and turn around. And even if they become ecstatic about a sudden turn of good fortune, it will be short lived at best. They can, though, change their attitude, if they practice working on a newfound positive attitude for 20 days. You see, it takes approximately 20 consecutive days to form a new habit.
Practice makes perfect, we all know that line. Reading and practicing positive self help is a great way to begin to change. When I say change, I mean separate yourself from the average person that is doing fine with job and life. But they are not in the top of their field, and not earning the top of their earning potential.

Faith And Appreciation

Dr. Robert Schuller, minister, author, and lecturer on positive thinking, told a story in Insight Publication, about his father and how his father's attitudes have remained with him to this day. Schuller, born and raised on a farm in Iowa in the 1930s, lived during a very difficult time for farmers. In one year, his father would normally harvest 10 wagons of corn from their farm, but in one particularly bad year his father harvested only half a wagon. Schuller remembers his father's feelings at the time this way: “I'll never forget how, that night, seated at the dinner table, his calloused hands folded in prayer, my father looked up and thanked God. He said, 'I thank you, God, that I have lost nothing, I got a half a wagon load back. I have regained the seed I planted in the springtime.'
“His attitude of gratitude was that he had lost nothing.”
In another example of his father's “Attitude of Gratitude,” Schuller tells of the time a tornado hit their home without any warning, and how they all managed to escape in the family car without harm, but the tornado did destroy all nine of their buildings on the farm.
The next night at a gathering in the country church he heard his father pray: “Oh God, I thank you that not a life was lost, not a human bone was broken. We have lost nothing that cannot be recaptured, regained and replaced. And through the storm, oh God, we have kept everything that would have been irreplaceable - the lives of the children and our own faith.”

Rev. Robert H. Schuller was born on September 16, 1926 and is now a retired American televangelist, pastor, motivational speaker, and author. Rev. Schuller is the founder of Southern California's Crystal Cathedral, a huge church with a congregation of 10,000, and he was the host of the "Hour of Power" televangelism broadcast. He once said: “Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.”
“When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must—but don’t you quit!
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow—
You might succeed with another blow. . . .
Success is failure turned inside out—
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt—
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit—
It’s when things get worse that you mustn’t quit!”
—Edgar A. Guest
c-2014 john paul carinci

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