“How To Remain Positive In The Face Of Evil” (from my book)
BOSTON reminds us of the World Trade Center act.
At 9:03 A.M., I saw the second plane in a precise angle purposely crash and disappear into the South Tower. I yelled for my wife, who was then taking her turn in the bathroom, to see what had happened. We heard about two more plane crashes that day: the Pentagon was hit at 9:43 A.M. and the downing of the passenger jet in Somerset County, PA, took place at 10:10 A.M. I had witnessed a tragic, historical event that changed America and the world. The security and safety Americans
had taken for granted disappeared in the fireballs of four planes that crashed in New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C.
I was thankful that I had no relatives who were lost in the World Trade Center attacks. Yet, I felt that a part of me died that day. My belief in mankind was shaken.
In the following days and weeks, New Yorkers and Americans experienced pain that seemed endless as the country witnessed the devastation of the attacks. Rescuers worked day after day in a painstaking search for all the victims.
The craziness of the world’s brutality had finally reached our streets and lives. How could it happen? Terrorism was never supposed to be this close to our homes. Bombs and terrorist acts had always been things that happened in far away places. I had only heard about violence in some other country, some other place, but I was not prepared to witness almost three thousand people dying in New York City.
How do you keep from having this horrific attack drain your energy and affect your emotions? How can you keep motivated to achieve positive action? How can you forge ahead? It is hard not to dwell on the uncertainty of future terrorist acts against Americans. How can we not be
consumed with worry and doubt?
You must first put your faith and trust in God, believing that good prevails over evil. You have to have faith in the government, the president, our elected officials, and our proven democracy. The 9/11 attack on our buildings and cities was the warning bell alerting us to protect our
democracy from those who hate democratic principles and ideals.
9/11 does not have to drive us to hate. If others hate America and perceive it as being too selfish, then this is the time for Americans to help other people in other countries in new ways. America needs to be that special light in the world that shows others that democracy is always a better choice, rather than terrorism, hatred, and all forms of tyranny.
9/11 is a reminder that we should live to do more each day because each day is a blessing not be taken lightly. Being alive means you have been given more time to accomplish more good things in your life. Your life multiplied by time equals greater accomplishments.
Remember the Parable of the Talents and the son that hid his talents so not to risk losing them? Meanwhile, his other brother multiplied his talents by using them. The lesson is that you have talents that should be used. I believe many people never use their talents to their fullest extent.
That means that there are billions of people in the world who are living lives below their potential. The great tragedy is that many don’t care. They get up, do some work, and go to sleep having done the minimum.
Imagine how much better the world would be if some of those billions of people started working to attain new goals for themselves and were driven to achieve greatness.
The whole world would improve as billions of people start to excel, discover new inventions, and make the entire A better place.
By using your talents and developing new skills, not only do you reap greatness, you can change the world and make it a better place.
“There comes a time in a man’s life when to
get where he has to go-if there are no doors
or windows-he walks through a wall.”
--Bernard Malamud
American Author
I believe that the victims of 9/11 and all of our friends and relatives who have passed on are looking down on you I believe in God and in the hereafter. I truly believe there is much more than this here-and-now, our flesh and bones, and our time we are given on earth. I believe our
time on earth is a test, and we get a score as to how well we have used our talents.
9/11 taught the whole nation about getting through grief and moving forward with a new determination to stand strong for freedom, democracy, and the noble goals of America. Americans had a choice -- to give in to the many heartless and cold-blooded killers holed
up throughout the world, or to take freedom, democracy, and the good things about America to other parts of the world.
You have choices in your life, too. You can be a follower or you can lead others with your creative imagination and example. You can be average or you can “be different” by attaining greater goals. You can be mediocre or you can attain greatness. I choose to be different in order to achieve greatness.
“Man’s happiness in life is the result of
man’s own effort and is neither the gift
of God nor a spontaneous natural product.”
--Ch’en Tu-hsiu
Chinese Editor
You are like the tree that is destined to grow tall, the bird that soars high, and the water that flows with new life to quench the thirst of others.
Your very birth was a fabulous miracle. You have the talents to do the extraordinary. By using your creative imagination, your life will become an outpouring of miracles that will help others.
Your opportunities abound. May you soar to greatness every day.