Sunday, March 24, 2013

Excel In All You Do

Success is very subjective. We may each interpret what the definition

of success is for our own lives. Success may mean a promotion, a new

job, having a baby, or raising a family. Or to you it may mean becoming

the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. You will slowly gravitate toward

the level of what you most consistently desire in life. Carl Yastrzemski,

the great baseball player, said, “I think about baseball when I wake up in

the morning. I think about it all day, and I dream about it at night. The

only time I don’t think about it is when I’m playing it.”

In Carl Yastrzemski’s Hall of Fame acceptance speech of 1989, he

said in part:

 "I can stand here—I can stand before you today and tell you honestly that

every day I put that Red Sox uniform on I gave 100 percent of myself for my

own. I treated it with dignity and respect in deference to our fans. A high

regard for my teammates, coaches and management. Anything less would

not have been worthy of me. Anything more would not have been possible."

Success Is Within Your Reach


Have you figured out what you truly want? Or are you just playing

with time, as if you had all the time in the world to decide and to

fight for what you will one day want? Goals. Dreams. Inspiration.

Success never comes to people with mere

fleeting dreams. Those who

are truly successful are very driven individuals who never, ever stop

thinking about and working at their dream or goal. Truly driven people

sometimes can’t sleep at night. They can’t. Their brains are working

furiously in overdrive, calculating, thinking, planning, and seeing their

vision happen in their minds. Driven people are not followers; they are

leaders marching to their own tune.

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.—Napoleon Hill

Vince Lombardi, the world-renowned football coach, said it best

when he stated, “Winning is not a some-time thing; it’s an all-time

thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in

a while; you do them right all the time.”

For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin—real

life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got

through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be

paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles

were my life.

Fr. Alfred D’Souza

C- 2009 John Paul Carinci

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Really Motivates You?

What Really Motivates You? John Paul Carinci

"If a blade of grass can grow in a concrete walk and a fig tree in the side

of a mountain cliff, a human being empowered with an invincible faith can

survive all odds the world can throw against his tortured soul!

Robert Schuller


Motivation to do something is a powerful driving force. We

know that people have literally done the impossible because they were

motivated by some tremendous force. An example of a tremendous

driving force that becomes the motivation for non-wavering action is

the New York City Marathon. Some thirty-eight thousand marathon

runners are fortunate to be selected by a lottery system. Only those

selected are eligible to run in the marathon, which is made up of over

twenty-six miles of hills and valleys running through the five boroughs

of New York City.

So, if approximately forty thousand runners are allowed by lottery

to race, how many people request to run each year? In 2008, there

were over 105,000 entry forms submitted to the Road Runners Club.

I would assume most of the 105,000 entrants were prepared to run the

marathon. What type of commitment does it take to prepare for such

a grueling race of twenty-six-plus miles? How many weeks, months,

or years in advance must the runner practice and exercise for such a

long race?

I estimate that a runner would have to practice for at least a year

to build up the stamina needed for that distance. Regardless, the entire

105,000 runners requesting entrance were committed to practice and

work out and race in the historic marathon. What commitment and

drive! The ultimate goal of finishing the New York City Marathon was

enough to motivate the runners to get up early before work or to go out

late at night to run so many miles in preparation for a marathon that

they might or might not have the chance to run in.

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

Monk Hae Chang
What is the motivating force that drives someone to work so hard

for a far-off goal? Why do inventors try the impossible when striving to

invent something new? An inventor may fail thousands of times before

succeeding with a new invention. What sustains his faith in persevering

until he has succeeded? Why do some succeed while many more fail?

Well, the way I see it, those who experience repeated failure are often

unwilling to go the extra mile that the successful inventor is willing

to go. Let’s go back to the marathon race. In 2008, there were over

thirty-eight thousand actual runners allowed to race. Of the 38,835 at

the starting line, the vast majority—37,899 runners—actually finished

the 26.2-mile distance. That is commitment. The oldest runner was a

man of eighty-seven! He finished the race in eight hours and thirty-nine

seconds. Talk about motivation!

To dream anything you want to dream. That’s the beauty of the strength

of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength

of the human will. To trust yourself, to test your limits. That is the courage

to succeed.

—Bernard Edmonds, "

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Intense Burning Desire Has Even Driven Evil People To Excel

“Evil people, dictators, mass murderers, and some master thieve shave used the same principles that the truly successful employ. They, too, are driven toward a goal. Some are extremely successful at achieving great fortunes, or mass killings and destruction, which in their world is considered tremendous success.
One such individual was Pablo Emilio Escobar. Escobar was a Colombian drug lord and leader of one of the most powerful criminal organizations ever built. He was born in 1949, and by the 1980s, he controlled a vast empire of drugs. He made billions of dollars, was once listed as the seventh richest man in the world, and was said to have been responsible for thousands of murders. At the age of forty-four, in 1993,
he was shot dead by police.
Was it a great mind gone wrong? If channeled correctly, motivated properly, and maybe shown more love, could he have been a brilliant success for the good of humanity?
Many other people have performed fantastically evil deeds. There must be some extraordinary talent deep within the recesses of a mind filled with evil—a talent that could have done much good but, for some reason, bent toward evil.
Some killers or master thieves are so consumed with their own goals of greed or murder or fraud that they are motivated to work until they have “succeeded.” One such intensely driven man was Bernard L. Madoff, an affable and charismatic investment genius who, over a period of more than twenty years, swindled thousands of investors out of more
than $50 billion. He was so smooth at what he did, so brilliant in deceit, that no one ever knew he was stealing mega billions. He was evil in the worst possible meaning of the word, but he was motivated—he was driven. Destroying the financial lives of thousands, many of whom were senior citizens, didn’t faze him. In the end, he merely smiled, not caring about what he had done.
I could only wonder: What if he had just applied his talents in a
more useful way?
“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with
their bones.
—William Shakespeare (1564-1616), English poet and playwright
C- 2012 John Paul Carinci from the book: An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed

Friday, March 15, 2013


‎*DETERMINATION* from my book:
"The Wright brothers accomplished the impossible, according to
most people in 1903, when they flew the first powered airplane to a
height of 852 feet. The rest is history. People with vision can change
the world. The Wright brothers dramatically changed our world.
... They moved us ahead by maybe one hundred years with their airplane
invention. Orville Wright said, “If we worked on the assumption that
what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope
for advance.”
He also said, “Isn’t it astonishing that all these secrets have been
preserved for so many years just so we could discover them!”

*We Have the Ability to Change Someone’s Life:
A man with a dream. It goes to show that the “impossible” can come
to pass for a person with vision. Many of the inventions we take for
granted today started with someone who said “Why not?” Who would
ever think that we could speak on a wireless cell phone, then take a
picture with the same contraption, hit a button, and send it across the
globe in seconds to someone with another cell phone or a computer,
and also be able to type out a message and send it via wireless to another
person as far away as China—and all this in a split second!
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible; then they seem improbable;
and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
—Christopher Reeve (1952-2004), Actor, director, producer
Inspired Determination

We can’t all invent a space machine, or the wireless Internet that
can be viewed on any cell phone anywhere in the world. But we can
each dream big. We can think of the impossible, and we can, if we want
something badly enough, bring it to pass. What is it that is deep within
your heart and mind? What is your dream? Not a mere pipe dream, but
something you lose sleep over. What is it that consumes your mind all
the time?

I’ll tell you my all-consuming desire. It is to finish writing this
wonderful, enlightening, and motivating book. I get so pumped up
with the various chapters and people I am writing about! I think
about it during my day job of running an insurance agency. I think
about it when I am trying to fall asleep at night. I am driven to write
for hours every night, or while waiting in a doctor’s or dentist’s office.
Even if I have only five minutes of waiting in some office, I write on
scraps of paper.

This will be the seventh book I have written. But none before has
been written with the speed with which I am writing this one. My
hand can’t write fast enough on the pad I am writing on. Am I driven,
consumed? You bet! Do I have a vision about such a book? Yes! This is
precisely what it takes to achieve a goal. We all have the ability to do
something, but do we have the “inspired determination”? Are we willing
to pay the price for success?" (FROM MY FINISHED BOOK:)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


An All-Consuming Desire to Succeed is the third book that John Paul Carinci has asked me to read in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this and another book much more than "The Psychic Boy Detective;" but, as John points out, it is difficult for a man to write a story about a 12-year-old boy from a woman's perspective and make it believable.

An avid reader of self-help books and having read many of the books John recommends in both "The Power of Being Different "and in "An All-Consuming Desire to Succeed," I have already learned many of the life lessons that Mr. Carinci presents in these books, but his writing style is refreshing and the examples and quotes he uses are inspirational.

What bothers me most about self-help books that layout authors' formulas for success, is that an all-consuming drive for one person's success may be poison for another. All too often we see examples of the "Rich and Famous" falling into deep depression and self-destructive behavior brought on by the very spark that made them "Rich and Famous."

Carinci uses affirmations and visualizations to train his subconscious mind to shield or deflect negative thoughts from penetrating his present thoughts and actions.

While the author defines success with many examples of those who are "Rich and Famous," he concentrates on the impact that innovative, determined and positive thinkers have made on the world through perseverance. He talks about time management versus wasting precious moment or hours watching television or being obsessed and consumed with or by technological gadgets and devices. On the other hand he acknowledges their usefulness in learning.

While I feel like the author spends a bit too much time repeating himself in this book, it may be because I have read most of the books he references.

I believe that anything that is "All-Consuming" is unhealthy; however, that is not the real message of this book. The author notes that we are all blessed by the miraculous gift of life and that should do what we can to be worthy of it.

Carinci is a motivator whose mark on readers may be the realization that the magic of believing, the power of perseverance and positive thinking are necessary tools for people who desire to make their dreams come true.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

READERS HIGHLIGHTS FROM : "The Power Of Being Different"

Readers Highlight from the book:
Joel Barker, an American author, said, “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”

  1. Lord Gintao: -Michelangelo #greatness
    “Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish.”

  2. Phebe highlighted:
    Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. --Calvin Coolidge 30th President of the United States (1923-1929)
  3. it’s outcome. -- William James Psychologist The Miracle of Life Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do which must be done,

  4. John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” The inventor of the disposable
    Rosa: Remarkable
    At age 22 he failed in business. At age 23 he ran for State Legislature and was defeated. At age 24 he failed once more in business. At age 25 he was elected to the State Legislature. At age 26 his sweetheart died at an early age. At age 27 he had a nervous breakdown. At age 29 he was defeated for Speaker. At age 31 he was defeated for Elector. At age 34 he was defeated for Congress. At age 37 he was elected to Congress. At age 39 he was defeated for Congress. At age 46 he was defeated for Senate. At age 47 he was defeated for Vice President. At age 49 he was defeated for Senate. At age 51 he was elected the 16thPresident of the United States. --Author Unknown

  6. Mairely N.☀ highlighted:
    You can achieve greatness. You must be willing to pay the price to attain such success. What do you want? What is the burning desire deep inside you? When you get very serious about achieving a goal, write it down, and plan how to attain it. The burning desire starts to become more real, and an all-important drive to accomplish that goal takes over. Be careful not to turn all your wants and small

  7. WSaxe highlighted:
    The worst bankrupt in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm. --H.W. Arnold

  8. Willyton highlighted:
    sad? The Lord is my Shepherd-I shall not fear! The Lord is my Shepherd-I shall not fear! The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not Fear! You know, I really do feel healthy! I really do feel happy! I really do feel terrific! I have a wonderful loving wife who will love me to the day I die. I have a fabulous job that pays me extremely well, yet challenges me every single day. I have a brand new luxury car every few years that will take me anywhere I want to go and any time I want to go. I have enough money saved up that I can to stop working for the next 4, 5, 6, or 7 years. I can even take up singing, painting or writing and still be able to survive. I really do have it made. I really do have the world by the tail, and I thank God every day.”

  9. Willyton highlighted:
    success! I can, I will, I want to! All things are possible through belief in myself and the Lord, and with His help I can accomplish anything! I feel great! I feel wonderful, I’ve got the world by the tail! If I start acting enthusiastic, I will become enthusiastic! If I start acting positive, I will become positive! If I start acting happy, I will become happy! It’s amazing: when I act enthusiastic, others around me become enthusiastic! It’s amazing: when I act positive, others around me become positive! It’s amazing: when I act happy, others around me become happy! We’ve got choices in life; we can act enthusiastic or we can act blasé. I choose to act enthusiastic! We can act positive or we can act negative. I choose to act positive. We can act happy or we can act sad. I choose to act happy. Why would anyone in his right mind want to

  10. Willyton highlighted:
    My Positive Self-Suggestion Statements “I feel healthy; I feel happy; I feel terrific! I like myself! I like myself! I like myself! I will be successful; it’s inevitable because my aggressiveness will equal opportunities for my

  11. ms lex highlighted:
    psychologist and philosopher, William James, who said, “Sow an action and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”

  12. ms lex highlighted:
    You were not born successful. You were born with abilities, traits, and a degree of intelligence that can be combined to make you successful and those things will help you to accomplish great goals.

  13. ms lex highlighted:
    With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance all things are attainable. --Buckston Philosopher

  14. ms lex highlighted:
    Orison S. Marden, Founder of Success Magazine, said, “Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire.”

  15. ms lex highlighted:
    Every problem is an opportunity, and every person is a possibility. --Robert Schuller Author/Clergy Input of the Good

  16. ms lex highlighted:
    The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will. --Vince Lombardi Football Coach (1913-1970)

  17. ms lex: this is great!
    Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. --George Washington Carver American Agriculture Chemist/

  18. newvista highlighted:
    Success means you have to be willing to risk not listening to your common sense.

  19. Rahel M. Smith highlighted:
    The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50% of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far between souls who devote 100%. --Andrew Carnegie

  20. INNOCENT I OKORE: You never know your potentiality until you step to action.Life rewards action and never inaction. Do not be afraid toStep to action.
  21.  highlighted:
    Worry should be considered a major health hazard. Your heart rate increases, your blood pressure goes up, your blood vessels constrict, and adrenaline is released by your brain. Your muscles tense up and your blood sugar goes up because your mind thinks your body needs extra strength.

  22. Osama Ishtawi highlighted:
    “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”

  23. Mairely N.☀ highlighted:
    How have you made it a better place in which to live? In what ways have you had positive, lasting effects on others? What special innovation will you be remembered for? Will people think of you as a doer, a visionary, a leader who accomplished something better? Or, will people remember you for having wasted :
  24. Your life is such a great asset. As you grow, you learn to protect your life, to take care of your health, and to nurture your mind. But, do you really put the right effort in making the most of this gift called life? You don’t have to discover a new invention or be the president of the country, but you do have the responsibility to ask yourself, Do you consciously try to make the world better?

  25. ms lex highlighted:
    It’s our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task, that will more than anything else determine it’s outcome. -- William James

  26. voracious learner: I think he was on to something!
    Writing your goals is a necessary step to accomplishing them. God gave every single human being a certain amount of talent, and unless you utilize that talent to the utmost of your ability 24 hours of every day your life, you deceive your God, your family, and above all yourself. This is what life is all about, this is my religion. --George Allen Football Coach (1918-1990)

  27. Leo highlighted:
    “Smarter than the average bear.”

  28. Lord Gintao: Words for life
    The average person puts only 25% of his energy and ability into his work. The world takes off its hat to those who put in more than 50% of their capacity, and stands on its head for those few and far between souls who devote 100%. --Andrew Carnegie
    John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

  30. Esteban highlighted:
    But never, never ever give up.
    Shirley A Hayes highlighted:
    “I develop men exactly the same way you mine gold. In order to get an ounce of gold, you move tons and tons of dirt. But you don’t go looking for the dirt; you go looking for the gold.”

  32. Outlaw_Frog highlighted:
    I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. --Jack London American Author (1876-1916)

  33. Leo highlighted:
    People can too often fail because they do not “stay focused.” Remember that staying focused on the small goals is the way you accomplish the final goal.

  34. Happy Holly highlighted:
    With that, Lee handed Schwab a blank piece of paper and said, ‘Write down the six most important things you have to do tomorrow and number them in order of importance. Now put this piece of paper in your pocket. First thing tomorrow morning look at item one and start working on it until you finish it; then do item two, and so on; do this until quitting time and don’t be concerned if you’ve only finished one or two.
    Botrakhmer highlighted:
    How you use your time determines what you accomplish in life.
    Botrakhmer highlighted:
    Some men see things as they are and say ‘why?’ I dream things that never were, and say, ‘why not?’ --George Bernard Shaw

  37. Kattlyst highlighted:
    How have you made it a better place in which to live? In what ways have you had positive, lasting effects on others? What special innovation will you be remembered for? Will people think of you as a doer, a visionary, a leader who accomplished something better? Or, will people remember you for having wasted your abilities?

  38. Kattlyst highlighted:
    John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

  39. Kattlyst highlighted:
    When it’s all over, all said and done, What impact will your life have had on the world? --John Paul Carinci Insurance Executive The Question of a Lifetime
    1. Kattlyst highlighted:
      1. In a 1985 monthly publication of Insight, there is an article about Andrew Carnegie, the great steel maker, who was asked by a reporter, “How is it possible to have 43 millionaires working for you at the same time?” Mr. Carnegie answered, “They weren’t millionaires when they started working for me.” The reporter asked, “Well, what happened?” Mr. Carnegie replied, “We believe in rewarding excellence in performance, and these men have developed themselves to the degree that they have become millionaires.” The reporter asked, “How do you develop so many people?” Andrew Carnegie replied this way: “I develop men exactly the same way you mine gold. In order to get an ounce of gold, you move tons and tons of dirt. But you don’t go looking for the dirt; you go looking for the gold.”

  • Monday, March 11, 2013


    GREATEST LIVING MIRACLE -(from my book)
    "You are the greatest living miracle in the world! No one else in the
    world has your exact eyes, hair, fingerprints, personality, or DNA. The
    odds of your being born into the specific person and personality you
    are have been estimated at one in 225 billion. You are the most unique
    person in the world.
    By the age of seventy, the average human heart will have beaten twoand-
    a-half billion times. Your heart pumps over fifty-seven thousand
    gallons of blood every month. The heart is an amazing organ! There are
    people alive today who have lived 115 years—you do the math. Suffice
    it to say that we are each a phenomenal working mechanism that still
    cannot be duplicated.
    No matter what our financial status at this particular moment,
    whether we have fifty cents to our name or $50 million, each one of us
    is an equally great miracle in the world.
    We all may say we are special, but do you believe it with all
    your heart?
    You are the greatest living miracle in the world. Once you realize
    this, you will begin to appreciate just how very special you really are.
    Your eyes, if we could place value on them alone, are worth at least a
    billion dollars to a person who can’t see. Your hearing ability and your
    ability to stand up and walk are awesome blessings.
    The question is, are you acting like the greatest living miracle in
    the world? Each of us was created by God. A true miracle took place in
    those nine months of gestation in order for you to be born. Now think
    about the following question very carefully:
    If God presented Himself to you right now, and He just stared at
    you without saying a word, just studying you for a few precious seconds,
    would you feel proud about your accomplishments thus far in life?
    Would you feel that you have used the miracle of your life to the best
    of your ability, or would you feel that you have cheated God, slightly
    or drastically, in return for the miracle He allowed to be performed
    through your birth?
    What if, just possibly, we do live on in a special afterlife? What if we
    are left to reflect upon our lives in minute detail, second after second,
    and we must ponder this life for eternity? I don’t know about you, but I
    already want to accomplish much more. You see, I do believe there is an
    afterlife. I also believe that all your relatives, friends, and acquaintances
    who have passed on to this afterlife are observing you, rooting for you,
    and anxiously waiting for you to achieve greatness."
    See More

    Sunday, March 10, 2013


    A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. "Your son is here," she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened.

    Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around ...the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement.

    The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile. He refused.

    Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital - the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other patients. Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night.

    Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited.

    Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine interrupted her, "Who was that man?" he asked.

    The nurse was startled, "He was your father," she answered.

    "No, he wasn't," the Marine replied. "I never saw him before in my life."

    "Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"

    "I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed. I came here tonight to find a Mr. William Grey. His Son was killed in Iraq today, and I was sent to inform him. What was this Gentleman's Name? "

    The nurse with tears in her eyes answered, "Mr. William Grey........."

    The next time someone needs you ... just be there. Stay.

    Story from our friends at Operation Ooh-Rah

    Saturday, March 9, 2013

    "POSITIVE VISUALIZATION" excerpt from my book

    "POSITIVE VISUALIZATION" excerpt from my book
    "Many people, considered by others to be losers who
    wouldn’t amount to anything, have turned out to be some of
    the most successful people in the world. One such person
    was George Herman Ruth, known popularly as Babe Ruth,
    who became a great Hall of Fame baseball player. Mr.
    “Home Run” Ruth hit more home runs than anybody had
    previously done in baseball. While the average number of
    home runs hit in a season remained around 10-20, Ruth
    started hitting 30 to 40.
    Most important though is how Ruth got started in
    baseball. Born in 1895 and one of eight children, he hung out
    as a youngster at the piers in Baltimore. He once described
    himself in this way, “I was a bum when I was a kid.” His
    family ran a bar in which little George spent much of his
    time. As a youngster, Ruth turned out to be a wild boy and
    was labeled “incorrigible” by his school. Totally frustrated,
    school officials and Ruth’s parents agreed that the best
    place for young Ruth was at St. Mary’s Industrial School in
    Baltimore, a boarding school run by strict Catholic brothers,
    that received many court-committed children.
    The boarding school turned out to be a blessing. It
    was there that Ruth learned how to play baseball from
    the brothers. One brother was particularly good at hitting
    the ball great distances. Ruth looked up to and wanted to
    emulate that brother the most.
    Ruth became unstoppable, first starting out in the major
    leagues as a pitcher, then later as a fielder. The “Bambino,”
    as he was called, was in the major leagues from 1914 to
    1935. In 1927, he set a major league record by hitting 60
    home runs. The Babe wound up with 714 career home runs
    and 2,217 runs batted in.
    This one-time “incorrigible” young boy ultimately
    became inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in
    1936. Not bad for someone who was destined to be a bum
    his whole life. Ruth had developed a tremendous desire
    to be a long ball hitter. Once he channeled his energy and
    subconscious mind in the right direction, he could not be
    It has been reported that a single baseball signed by the
    great Babe Ruth, sells for anywhere between $9,000 and
    “When it’s all over, when all is said and done, what
    impact will my life have had on this world?” This is a
    question you should periodically ask yourself. Ruth gained
    the whole nation’s respect and is immortalized to this day
    in books, films, and articles.
    It was the great psychologist and philosopher, William
    James, who said, “Sow an action and you reap a habit; sow
    a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you
    reap a destiny.”

    Monday, March 4, 2013

    Perseverance Means Never Giving Up

    Perseverance Means Never Giving Up


    “I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain,

    not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth I will apply ALL my efforts to

    become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it

    cries for mercy.”

    —Og Mandino

    “How many individuals do only what they have to, just to get to the

    next day? Their workday is basically performing tasks they are told to

    do and no more. They treat work like some form of punishment, just to

    survive till that clock hits five o’clock, telling them that they can rush

    out the door and race home. Not once do they act as if the company

    they are working for is theirs. Many workers today have little pride in

    their work. I see it many times throughout my day and in my travels.

    Maybe this is because they have no real goal to get ahead or rise above

    the average workers around them. Maybe they have no long-term goals,

    no intense, burning desire with regard to the work they are involved in.

    Or maybe they dislike their line of work, just tolerating it in exchange

    for a paycheck.

    I observe many people that are being well paid to work all day, yet I

    see them loafing. It’s as if they are impatiently waiting to go home. They

    are cheating their employer, themselves, their families, and, above all,

    their God. Just another wasted day, being unproductive.

    Martin Luther King said it best: “If a man is called to be a street

    sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or

    Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should

    sweep streets so well that all the hosts of Heaven and earth will pause to

    say here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

    Make every minute of your life count. Make believe that tomorrow

    you will cease to be productive any longer, but rather will ponder

    your life. Will you be proud or disappointed? You have the ability to

    drastically change that picture. Remember: This is the first day of the

    rest of your new and exciting life. Embrace, cherish, and celebrate the

    special gift of that one day.


    “A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out

    to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the centralizing point of his

    thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal, or it may be a worldly

    object, according to his nature at the time being; but whichever it is, he

    should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set

    before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty, not allowing his

    thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings, and imaginings.

    This is the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Even

    if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as he necessarily must

    until weakness is overcome), the strength of character gained will be the

    30 An All-Consuming Desire to Succeed

    measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future

    power and triumph”.

    —James Allen


    “It is amazing to me how many people just naturally take to following

    other people. It is as if it is easier to follow along than to travel their own

    road. This morning this “following the follower” came to mind when I

    saw a flock of birds.

    Nature has a way of preserving animals, birds, and other forms of

    life. We see elephants, seals, penguins, birds, and the ape family. There

    is the leader who makes choices as to where to seek water, food, and

    shelter. The leader also moves the flock or herd to safer territory or

    different climates.


    This morning I studied a large flock of blackbirds flying in precision

    formation as they swooped from one lawn to another. They were

    eating either some of the grass seed or some bugs on the ground. But

    what was amazing was that, as soon as the leader decided to fly away

    from a particular lawn, the entire flock followed rapidly, wherever the

    leader flew.


    I find that many people are like that. Maybe it is bred into us from

    nature or instinct alone, but many of us would like to merely follow

    rather than lead the way.”

    C-2005 JOHN PAUL CARINCI from the book An All Consuming Desire To Succeed