Saturday, July 28, 2012

Foreign Publisher Will Translate and publish the new self help book

**** JOHN - Has just signed a traditional Publishing deal With EMBASSY Publ. , Mumbai, India. They will Translate & Publish his latest Self-Help book: in Malaysia, Singapore and Indian Sub-continent.**** ****NEWS****

"Self Help At It's Best" An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed - Starred Review
An All-Consuming Desire to Succeed is a landmark achievement that provides readers with a step-by-step guide, a true roadmap to success!"

"I am convinced that John Paul Carinci is this generation’s Dale Carnegie.
His latest book," An All-Consuming Desire to Succeed" is a tour de force in his books to help Everyman succeed and excel.
His works of inspiring the individual to reach higher, farther, to look at your life’s goals and see how to succeed in them are well known." -- Ellen George

"Acclaimed author John Paul Carinci’s latest release, An All-Consuming Desire to Succeed is a landmark achievement that provides readers with a step-by-step guide, a true roadmap to success!
While inspirational it is also grounded in reality. The book emphasizes the importance of perseverance in any endeavor to achieve success." --Starred Review

Book Description"
We each search for a better life, more inspiration, and a way to be more productive and fulfilled. We are in constant competition in personal life and business. You can stand out from the crowd.
With: "An All-Consuming Desire to Succeed", you will learn: How to maintain a competitive edge through Positive Affirmations. How to control negative influences. The secrets that the highly successful possess. How to plan out and achieve newfound goals. Learning to motivate yourself to become and stay different than all others.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Comfort Zone

Maybe it is time to consider living dangerously. Maybe it’s time to reject
the commands of power, the dictates of society and public opinion, and
to stop worrying about what other people think about what you do. You
have the power and ability to create your own reality—to change what isn’t
working, and to manifest what you desire.
—Dick Sutphen, Author and psychic researcher

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Spencer Silver invented a low-tack adhesive while working at 3M
in 1968. The company rejected it for use in products. But the real man
with perseverance was a co-worker who found a use for the low-tack
adhesive. Art Fry, also a 3M employee, needed to keep music sheets
from falling off the music stand when he sang at his church on Sundays.
So he put some of Silver’s adhesive on the back of his song sheets. He
soon realized the usefulness of this special product and created the 3M
Post-It. At first, 3M rejected the idea as impractical, but they realized,
after trials, that it was perfect for all offices. The rest is history.

Authors are almost always rejected when presenting a new book to
a publisher. The book
rejected one hundred forty times. It finally was accepted and has sold
over eighty million copies.

Stephen King’s
Chicken Soup for the Soul, by Jack Canfield, wasCarrie was rejected thirty times.
twelve publishers.

It has been noted that Henry Ford failed and went broke five times
before succeeding beyond all expectations.
John Grisham’s first book was rejected by sixteen agents and

"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.
Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set
about remedying them—every day begin the task anew."
—Saint Francis DeSales

Thursday, July 19, 2012

“The Million Dollar Challenge”

Let’s assume for a minute that you received a call from Donald
Trump. He asked you to appear on a new television show he had just
started called Million Dollar Challenge. The deal is this: Trump will put
... up one million tax-free dollars in your attorney’s escrow account. The
money will be awarded to you in ten years, but only if you are successful
in completing an assignment.

The assignment is this: You must attend college and study for and pass
the licensing exam to become a doctor, dentist, chiropractor, or

The choice is yours. All your school and living expenses would be paid.
If you pass, the one million tax-free dollars will be released to you
immediately. But you must pass the exam on the first try. If you fail, the
money will be donated to charity.

Now, the all-important question is this: Will you accept the
assignment? You have nothing to lose. The next question is this: Out
of every one hundred individuals offered this unique and lucrative deal,
how many will succeed?

I would venture to guess over 90 percent would complete the
assignment and pass on their first try, capturing the million-dollar
payoff. Would your mindset be similar to the immigrant entering our
country with fantastic dreams and goals? You bet it would.

You would be so pumped up every waking morning. You would
visualize the one million tax-free dollars. In fact, over the ten years, you
would envision the finish line over one million times. I would feel sorry
for anyone who stood in your way, tried to talk you out of the challenge,
or was just being downright negative about all the work ahead of you.

Next question: Would you go for the full eight-year physician
degree, or opt for a lesser, easier college degree that would have a higher
likelihood of passing successfully? That, of course, would be your choice.

But some would go the full distance and become a physician. Many,
though, would choose the easier, higher passing-percentage degree, thus
guaranteeing the tax-free $1 million payoff.

Again, Real Success is only mindset. It is properly programming your mind to
accept a goal and work until it has been successfully achieved.
C- J.Carinci from the book An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed
See More


Thank God there are individuals who have the vision,
determination, and drive to forge ahead through failure
after failure. You may only have the mental picture of a
given idea or invention, but that mental picture can be
enough to keep you working on your idea. Thousands of
new inventions are being patented every day. When will
people see the completion of your idea?

Imagine somewhere that there should be a monument
to lost ideas. It’s not a junk heap. It’s the should-have-been
heap. It’s a pile of the best ideas that were never tried or
fulfilled. It’s the unfulfilled patents or never-written books
or never-created ideas because somebody was afraid to try
or somebody ridiculed the idea to death. Is that where you
want your ideas to end up?

Look at Henry Ford, who in his early years began
working on inventing a gas-driven engine. Ford had a study
done by a leading college to see if the gas engine could
be invented. After extensive study, the college’s technical
department determined that the idea could not be done.
A piston could not be made to move by gasoline-ignited

Henry Ford still believed he could build such an engine.
He purchased his own parts and with help from his wife, he
got the first makeshift piston powered by droplets of gasoline
ignited by a spark. The rest is history. The horses and the
steam engines of the day were gradually replaced with the
internal combustion engine in the early 1900s. Henry Ford
then developed the first successful automobile assembly
line, building cars faster than anyone had imagined. A
man with vision, determination, and fortitude, Henry Ford
proved himself a true visionary who would not let his ideas
be extinguished by the negativity and ridicule of others.

First, don’t stop yourself from dreaming; dreaming is
the starting point.

Second, don’t let others stifle your creative imagination.
Your ideas are greatest when you feel free to use your

Third, don’t let your problems stop you. It’s been said
that going to sleep with a problem can be a good thing.
During your sleep, your brain can quietly think about the
problem. You can actually wake up with a new solution to
your problem. Allow your subconscious mind to work on
the problem.
C-2012 J. Carinci

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Million Dollar Challenge

Let’s assume for a minute that you received a call from Donald
Trump. He asked you to appear on a new television show he had just
started called Million Dollar Challenge. The deal is this: Trump will put
up one million tax-free dollars in your attorney’s escrow account. The
money will be awarded to you in ten years, but only if you are successful
in completing an assignment.

The assignment is this: You must attend college and study for and pass
the licensing exam to become a doctor, dentist, chiropractor, or

The choice is yours. All your school and living expenses would be paid.
If you pass, the one million tax-free dollars will be released to you
immediately. But you must pass the exam on the first try. If you fail, the
money will be donated to charity.

Now, the all-important question is this: Will you accept the
assignment? You have nothing to lose. The next question is this: Out
of every one hundred individuals offered this unique and lucrative deal,
how many will succeed?

I would venture to guess over 90 percent would complete the
assignment and pass on their first try, capturing the million-dollar
payoff. Would your mindset be similar to the immigrant entering our
country with fantastic dreams and goals? You bet it would.

You would be so pumped up every waking morning. You would
visualize the one million tax-free dollars. In fact, over the ten years, you
would envision the finish line over one million times. I would feel sorry
for anyone who stood in your way, tried to talk you out of the challenge,
or was just being downright negative about all the work ahead of you.

Next question: Would you go for the full eight-year physician
degree, or opt for a lesser, easier college degree that would have a higher
likelihood of passing successfully? That, of course, would be your choice.

But some would go the full distance and become a physician. Many,
though, would choose the easier, higher passing-percentage degree, thus
guaranteeing the tax-free $1 million payoff.

Again, Real Success is only mindset. It is properly programming your mind to
accept a goal and work until it has been successfully achieved.
C- J.Carinci from the book An All-Consuming Desire To Succeed

Sunday, July 8, 2012

“Enthusiasm Can Stay With You For Life”

I am convinced that we each can be branded deep within our
subconscious and that such enthusiasm can last a lifetime if we choose
to maintain it. This is what happened to me as a new twenty-one
year-old agent. After three months of struggling to sell life insurance, I
attended a seminar and listened to motivational speaker and Olympic
gold medal winner Bob Richards. He so inspired me that afternoon with
his motivating speech that I was positively infected with his tremendous
enthusiasm. That day was the first day of my new journey to success.

I never looked back. Thirty-four years later, I am still fired up with
enthusiasm. I was branded by the motivational speaker, but I also had to
maintain that enthusiasm, which I did by continually studying self-help
books to stay positive. So, we can influence someone for life, but only
if they want to maintain and feed upon that deep-seated enthusiasm in
their own subconscious.

The opposite also is true. Someone can, in fact, be branded with
negative thoughts, and this, too, can be etched into the subconscious.
It also can be maintained by continued negative thought impulses. So
watch what you feed to that powerful computer-brain of yours. And
watch, too, what impulses you send out to all who come in contact
with you. It is your choice. It is your right to think and act and project
enthusiasm—or negative vibes. What a fabulous legacy it would be to
have your enthusiasm positively branded on another individual the way
Bob Richards affected me that day some thirty-four years ago!

A Self Help Book can change your life—but only if you will
allow it to happen, only if you convince your subconscious mind that it
is now time to make a change and to never look back. Remember, you
can have anything you truly desire. Any goal will be yours—but only
if you never, ever stop wanting, working towards, and visualizing the
successful achievement of that goal.”
        “Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is
the triumph of enthusiasm”
C-2012 J. Carinci

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vision Equals Greatness

In a 1985 monthly publication of Insight, there is an
article about Andrew Carnegie, the great steel maker, who
was asked by a reporter, “How is it possible to have 43
millionaires working for you at the same time?”

Mr. Carnegie answered, “They weren’t millionaires
when they started working for me.” The reporter asked,
“Well, what happened?” Mr. Carnegie replied, “We believe
in rewarding excellence in performance, and these men have
developed themselves to the degree that they have become

The reporter asked, “How do you develop so many

Andrew Carnegie replied this way: “I develop men
exactly the same way you mine gold. In order to get an
ounce of gold, you move tons and tons of dirt. But you don’t
go looking for the dirt; you go looking for the gold.”

When interviewed by Success Magazine in 1898
Thomas Edison was asked, “What’s the first requisite for
success?” And Edison answered this way: “The ability to
apply your physical and mental energies to one problem
incessantly without growing weary. You do something all
day long, don’t you? Everyone does. If you get up at 7 A.M.
and go to bed at 11 P.M., you have put in 16 good hours,
and it is certain with most men that they have been doing
something all the time. The only trouble is that they do it
about a great many things and I do it about one. If they took
the time in question and applied it in one direction, to one
object they would succeed.”
C-2012  J. Carinci

Friday, July 6, 2012

“Inspiration Leads to Great Success”

“Inspiration Leads to Great Success”

“At the age of thirty-seven, Mary Anderson had the first patent for
a windshield wiper. Her goal was to clean snow, rain, and dirt off car
windshields years before Henry Ford’s Model T automobiles were in
production. On a visit to New York City in 1902, Anderson got the
windshield-wiper idea while on a trolley car whose front window could
not be kept closed because sleet made it impossible to see through it.
In 1829, at the age of thirty-seven, William Austin Burt invented
the typographer, the predecessor to the typewriter. He worked at that
time in the Michigan territorial legislature and later became a county
Circuit Court Judge.

A fifteen-year-old grammar-school dropout from Maine invented
an important and useful item. In 1873, while he was ice-skating with a
new pair of skates, Chester Greenwood’s ears were very cold. He went
home and asked his grandmother to sew some fur onto wire shaped
in the form of ears and attached to a metal band. Thus, the first set of
earmuffs! The rest is history. Greenwood would ultimately establish a
factory and produce earmuffs of a style still in use today.

Was Chester the most book-smart child of his day? No. But Chester
was driven to greatness by dissatisfaction. He was dissatisfied by his
present situation and was motivated to the action of changing it for
the better. Initially, Chester probably had no intention of becoming an
inventor whom the world would notice and recognize for something
quite useful. Chester merely wanted to keep his ears from freezing.
Many other people before 1873 had freezing ears, but they did not have
the foresight and drive to work at the problem without stopping until
they fixed it.

We each have the ability to excel. We can be great, and we
can each be driven to fix a problem, right a wrong, or invent the
seemingly impossible invention. Our mind can handle anything that
is requested of it. But do we want something so badly that we will
not stop until its completion? Will we be driven so intensely that we
think about it endlessly?”
C-2012 J. Carinci

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Is your All-Consuming Burning Desire?

What Is your All-Consuming Burning Desire?

One constant burning desire that keeps driving me forward, is to grab hold of the torch that others, who have passed on, carried. In my mind I visualize that I’ve been given the responsibility to achieve the things others did not have the chance to finish.
It is a great honor carrying the torch for them, celebrating their remembrance. I picture them watching and cheering me on. I truly believe that each and every person we think about in the hereafter can, in turn, think and visualize us here. Maybe it is my own little fantasy.

Maybe I am all wrong. But you can find your own burning desire, something that drives you on to greatness.

George Burns, the comedian, is a good example of someone who kept entertaining people until the day he died. Entertaining others was his life. He taught all of us that you do not stop achieving because society expects you to at a certain age. As he got older, we kept rooting for him while he kept achieving new accomplishments in films and
stage work.

George Burns has inspired me to keep dreaming of new goals. I have an obligation to those who are looking down, watching me, those who are rooting for me.

What do you want to achieve? What new goals should you be accomplishing? Just picture all those whom you have known who have passed on. Picture them supporting,
watching, and rooting for you. You really do have your own fan club.
Imagine, dream, achieve, and become.

      “I plan to win even when common sense should tell
      me that I no longer have a chance. Even when I
      have been playing at my worst, or when all the
     breaks have been going against me, I approach 
     each new day, each new hole, as a glorious
    opportunity to get going again.”
                   --Arnold Palmer
                  Golfer/Four times Masters Winner

     “The people who get on in this world
     are the people who get up and look
     for the circumstances they want, and
    if they can’t find them, make them.”
                    --George Bernard Shaw
                   English Dramatist

C-2012 John Paul Carinci from his book The Power Of Being Different

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


"In a 1985 monthly publication of Insight, there is an
article about Andrew Carnegie, the great steel maker, who
was asked by a reporter, “How is it possible to have 43
millionaires working for you at the same time?”
Mr. Carnegie answered, “They weren’t millionaires
when they started working for me.” The reporter asked,
“Well, what happened?” Mr. Carnegie replied, “We believe
in rewarding excellence in performance, and these men have
developed themselves to the degree that they have become
The reporter asked, “How do you develop so many
Andrew Carnegie replied this way: “I develop men
exactly the same way you mine gold. In order to get an
ounce of gold, you move tons and tons of dirt. But you don’t
go looking for the dirt; you go looking for the gold.”
When interviewed by Success Magazine in 1898
Thomas Edison was asked, “What’s the first requisite for
success?” And Edison answered this way: “The ability to
apply your physical and mental energies to one problem
incessantly without growing weary. You do something all
day long, don’t you? Everyone does. If you get up at 7 A.M.
and go to bed at 11 P.M., you have put in 16 good hours,
and it is certain with most men that they have been doing
something all the time. The only trouble is that they do it
about a great many things and I do it about one. If they took
the time in question and applied it in one direction, to one
object they would succeed.”
C-2012 J. carinci from the book The Power Of Being Different

Monday, July 2, 2012

Each One Of Us Represents A Miracle

Consider how unique each one of us is. Even identical
twins have some differences between them. If you don’t
have an identical twin, it can be said that there is no one else
exactly like you. Unlike computers, which may be identical
computing systems, you interpret the world through your
brain and that brain develops its own personality, the
mechanism that helps you understand and react to the world
around you.
To become who you are, it took one of about 5 million
microscopic sperm cells to reach the egg. Your personality,
everything about you, and your potential were carried in
that one sperm.
Millions of other sperm cells died searching for the egg,
while one sperm cell combined with the egg that gave you
life, resulting in your extraordinary uniqueness.
You are a miracle. In fact, childbirth is a miracle because
we all had to survive about nine months in the womb in
order to be strong enough to be born into the world. The
chances of you being born were one in 5 million, based on
the estimated number of sperm. Don’t ever feel sorry for

Using All Your Talents to the Fullest
Dennis Waitley wrote the following story in Insight:
“The Scriptures tell of a story of a master of a wealthy estate
who gave some of his fortune to three of his servants. To the
first servant he gave five talents; to the second, three talents;
to the third servant he gave one talent. A talent in those
days was a measure of money. He told the three servants to
‘cherish and utilize to the fullest what had been given.’ And
after one year he would check with them to see what they
had done.
“The first servant invested his money in different
businesses. The second servant bought materials and made
things to sell. The third servant took his talent and hid it
and saved it. After one year the master saw that the first
servant, through his investing, had now 25 talents. The
second servant had built his up to 15 talents, which made
the master happy. So he asked the third servant what had
become of his one talent. The servant exclaimed, ‘I was
afraid to misuse the talent, so I carefully hid it. Here it is!
I am now giving it back to you in the same condition as
when you gave it to me!’ The master was very mad. ‘Thou
wicked and slothful servant. How dare you not use the gift
that I gave you?’”
Here is an encouraging estimate: people in America
can often live to be 85 or 90. Today’s newborn will have the
benefits of medical science that will enable them to live to
be 100 to 110.
We are very fortunate today to be able to live long,
healthy, and productive lives. Our forbearers often died
from fever, pneumonia, and even childbirth, which killed
many women and children. Imagine living centuries ago
when a good life meant living only into your thirties.
Imagine ending your opportunities by age thirty.
The person who is 70 today is often healthier than a
person 60 years old who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Today, it’s not unheard of for a 75-year-old to run New York
City’s 26-mile marathon and to finish.
C-2012 J. Carinci from the book The Power Of Being Different
yourself if you haven’t yet won the lottery; you’ve already
won the lottery by being born!